Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Podcasts
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

178 – Ending Procrastination, Perfectionism and People Pleasing

Are you ready to shift out of procrastination, perfectionism and people pleasing? (I can't imagine anyone that doesn't have their hand up).   In today's show, we are diving into The Adult Chair model and looking deeper at our "parts".  Our inner unconscious parts are running the show until we bring them into awareness to transform.   Today I am going to show you how to use this model and transform your inner parts that are driving you to do things or act in ways that are limiting you.   As always, I have included easy...

179 – I’m in a Relationship with a Narcissist

Relationships with narcissists are insidious. They begin one way and over time, very slowly and covertly, change and become poison.   We wake up one day and wonder what we did wrong and how we got here. We blame ourselves and can even feel embarrassed to tell others.   In today's very vulnerable show, Tracy shares her story of narcissism. She married a wonderful man and within a 3 year period, her life had drastically changed and she couldn't understand what was happening and began doubting herself. She fell into a depression and lived...

177 – Empowered Parenting with Meghan Crough

What a show! Today’s show with special guest Meghan Crough, Marriage and Family therapist was as empowering as it was inspirational.   Meg answered so many important questions about raising kids. We talked about temper tantrums or angry kids, how to discipline effectively, boundaries versus control, what to do if you have a spouse or co-parent with different values and ideas about parenting and most importantly how to raise empowered, successful kids.   It is a show not to be missed if you are wanting to learn more about parenting successfully. Meg clearly knows...

175- Setting Healthy Boundaries

Why do people cringe at the suggestion of setting a boundary? So many people respond with, “I don’t like confrontation” when I suggest a boundary.   Setting boundaries is tough to do if we were not modeled healthy boundaries growing up. Even if we came from a pretty healthy family, few people grew up with healthy boundary modeling.   In today’s show, I talk about what boundaries are, how to set them, examples of healthy versus unhealthy boundaries and the four key steps and “how to’s” to setting healthy boundaries.   I also discuss what to...

174- Building Self-Esteem

We can never have enough self-esteem. So many of us didn’t have healthy self-esteem role models growing up so, we are embarking on this journey now. Here’s the good news, it’s never too late!   With the help of The Adult Chair model, we can live our lives to the fullest and create happiness we never thought possible.   Healthy self-esteem from The Adult Chair is not only possible, but it also happens quickly with these 4 easy-to-apply steps. Enjoy your journey of building up your new sense of self and empowerment in your...

173- Am I in a Toxic Relationship?

Am I in a toxic relationship? I, unfortunately, get asked this question all too often. I find that what feels “normal” is actually toxic but due to low self-esteem or loss of self, we find ourselves living in not so healthy or even unhealthy toxic relationships.   In today’s show, I go over 6 signs of toxic relationships. I explain what to look for in toxic relationships and how to know if you are in one. I also offer the next steps to heal and transform yourself out of the toxic relationship.     MORE...

172- The Joy of Codependency

What would you think if I told you that joy could be part of codependency? Well it can!   Codependency and I have been friends for too many years to count (most of my life). However, in my discovery of this, I have found joy in learning who I am as an Adult and taking my childhood back. I might even say that I find it now as a gift as I now get to discover who I am and it’s an exciting journey to take as an Adult.   I feel my inner...

171- Myofascial Release with Diana Schneider

I’m back from my summer break! Welcome to the first show of our new podcast year. I am so excited about our guest today.   I have spoken for months about Myofascial Release Technique and am finally having our in house expert on the show! Diana Schneider, Advanced Myofacial Release Therapist is on today talking all about what the technique is and how it can help you.   This technique has been a beautiful complement for my own clients as well as part of my bi-weekly self care. It’s a wonderful way to release...

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