Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Podcasts
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

93: Drivetime Download: Grief

Michelle is in the car again, this time answering some community questions on how to handle grief, particularly during the holidays. What do you from the Adult Chair when you need someone to show up for you, and support you in your time of grief? What about from the other perspective? How do you show up for someone else experiencing grief or loss this holiday season? All that and more in our last episode before the new year!     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult Chair Membership     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook:   The Adult Chair...

92: Managing Holiday Gatherings from The Adult Chair

The holidays are upon is, and as a result more and more people are writing us to ask how you handle difficult family gatherings from the Adult Chair. So, we’re on it! This week we’re talking all about how you maintain your center, keep your calm, and don’t let strife dominate your holiday. You’ll be better equipped to define your own boundaries of what is and is not appropriate behavior. You’ll be able to assess the codependency that can so quickly invade your relationships. And we’ve got one sure-fire way...

91: What do I do with my Anger?

So many of us are afraid of our anger. We use language like, “don’t go there” or “stay calm”. We to push it down and shove it away and teach ourselves to hide from it, and hide it from others. In fact, this is the programming we get from others when we have anger. People close to us tell us to “chill out”, “calm down” or even “get over it”. The most insidious: sometimes we even hear “you are scaring me”. Of course, we don’t want to scare others, so...

90: Stay Connected to Yourself and End Overwhelm at the Holidays

Simple proximity to the holidays on the calendar can be a trigger for many of us. We watch as the days tick by, feeling the pressure of the holidays creep upon us, and with them, social and family anxiety that can disconnect us from our true selves.   This week on the show, I want to share with you some of the tools and techniques that can help you stay strong and present during the turbulent holiday weeks. You deserve a restful and energizing break full of love and warmth — with...

89: Feeling Our Feelings with Ramona Reid

I’m back with my dear friend Ramona Reid on her radio show, Holistic Revolution Radio this week! Actually, this show was recorded last month, but we talked about all the things that are incredibly important for us to keep in mind over the Thanksgiving Holiday (here in the U.S.). So, in the whirlwind of craziness that comes with family and friends, this is a reminder to stay present, to free yourself from limiting beliefs, and to feel the feelings that are constraining you. Ramona asks some wonderful probing questions, and...

88: How to End Suffering

Suffering comes from the Adolescent Chair. That’s the part of us that creates stories to fill in the holes in our daily narrative, and that’s where we unintentionally find ourselves getting stuck with intrusive thoughts and spirals that lead us right to Suffering Island! This week, we’re talking all about how to get off the boat, and take control of our own stories by living in our Adult Chair’s fact and truth!     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult Chair Membership     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook:   The Adult Chair Facebook Group:   YouTube: ...

87: Take Responsibility and End the Victim Mentality

The victim is powerless. They feel sorry for themselves. They see the world as one of fault and innocence, black and white. They believe others are against them. We run into these people all the time, and may not see it at first, but these trigger phrases become clear. If you’re saying these things, you may be in the pattern yourself: it’s time to take responsibility, and end your journey into the victim mentality! This week on the show we talk about what you might be doing if you’re in...

86: The Power of Gratitude

Over 30 years ago, we started hearing about positive psychology as a field of study in psychology. Gratitude, optimism, forgiveness, happiness, and compassion were studied in comparison to attention traditionally paid to so-called negative psychology including mental illness, stress, trauma, addiction, and so on. What they found was that positive psychology had powerful effects on our health and not only mental and emotional health. The research found positive connections to physical, emotional, and even spiritual health. Over the years, we’ve learned that gratitude is one of the most powerful traits...

85: The Power and the Promise of Journaling!

Never considered yourself much of a journaler? I get it. I’ve heard all the reasons, too. Not enough time. Not sure what to write. Can’t keep up with it. I did it once a while ago and didn’t see any results. The list goes on and on and on!   But for those who have managed to get over the hump, who have conquered the perils of the blank page, they know that the benefits of introspection through journaling are as deep as they are broad. You can heal yourself, build a...

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