Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 190 – Cleansing Relationships and Cutting Cords
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190 – Cleansing Relationships and Cutting Cords

We made it through the holidays! How are you feeling…Drained, relieved, elated?


Now is the best time to “clean yourself off” and today and get yourself ready for the New Year.


In today’s show I explain a bit about how we can be dysfunctionally connected to others and don’t even know it. I let you know how you can tell and exactly how you can “cut those cords”.


Even if we don’t have a dysfunctional relationship, it’s still important to keep yourself “clean” energetically and to cut the cords with people we know and love so each time we show up with them, they see us as who we are TODAY and not as they knew us from the past.


Today at the end of the show, I offer you a guided meditation that walks you through exactly how to keep yourself “cleaned off” and to cut the cords if necessary.


This is a wonderful end of year ceremony but can certainly be done year round.



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