Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Podcasts
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

152- Getting the Love You Want with Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt

I am thrilled to have on the show today, relationship experts and the creators of Imago Relationship Theory and Therapy, Harville Hendrix, Ph.D and Helen Hunt Ph.D! We covered a range of topics from why we fall in love, to how childhood wounding affects our current relationships to what we do if our partner isn’t interested in improving the relationship and so much more. It was a delight to have them on the show and know you won’t want to miss this one. It’s full of life changing and usable...

151- Quick Trigger Relief

When we are triggered, we lose ourselves so quickly and fall into a defense. Oftentimes we regret our reaction later on. In today’s show, Michelle gives some tips to help us stay in our Adult Chair when we are triggered and remain present with whatever is coming up.   Triggers can be such a gift when we understand that they are windows into our unconscious beliefs. It’s a way to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves!     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Care/Of This show is brought to you by Care/Of – Build a personalized daily vitamin pack...

150- Transform Your Parts and Find Self Love

It can be hard to live with self-love when we have loud inner negative parts. In today’s show, Michelle discusses steps to transform these inner parts from the Adolescent chair. Once these parts are transformed, we are able to live with greater self-love and compassion.     LINKS & RESOURCES: Until now, air purifiers have attempted to collect pollutants on filters where they can multiply and be released back into the air. Molekule’s revolutionary nanotechnology destroys pollutants at the molecular level. Use Promo Code: adult at checkout to receive $75 OFF your first...

149- Transforming the Inner Critic

We all have many inner voices but there is one in particular, that can be overly critical and hard on us, it’s called the “inner critic.” In today’s show, I share with you what the inner critic is and how to transform that voice using some simple and easy to use tools. You will also receive some “homework” that will help build up your inner supportive voice to help you stay in your healthy adult even when the inner critic has something to say.     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult...

148- Healthy Relationships Part 2

I was inspired to do a follow-up show to answer questions and comments that came in from the Healthy Relationships podcast episode #146 a couple of weeks ago. So today’s show is a continuation of ideas and tools to help you cultivate healthy relationships in your life.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Meditation 10 Minute Meditation for Creating your Hearts Desire     OTHER RELATED ADULT CHAIR PODCAST EPISODES:   Episode 146 Healthy Relationships Part 1   Episode 145 Calling In The One With Katherine Woodward Thomas     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult Chair Membership     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook:   The Adult Chair Facebook Group:   YouTube: ...

147- Hardwiring Happiness with Dr. Rick Hanson

What if I told you that you can change your brain and become happier? How about going from a pessimist to an optimist? Well you can and it doesn’t take long! On today’s show, Dr. Rick Hanson shares with us how to “Hardwire Happiness” into our brains and teaches us with some very simple steps how to sustain that happiness. This was an incredible and powerful conversation with one of the world’s foremost authorities on the brain and happiness. You are going to love this show! LINKS & RESOURCES: Dr. Hanson's Website   MORE...

146 – Healthy Relationships

Today I share with you how we create Healthy Relationships from The Adult Chair. Unfortunately, so many of us aren’t taught how to have healthy relationships. In fact, most of us enter into relationships with a lot of baggage which can activate our triggers, and leave us feeling helpless and not sure what to do to help or improve our relationship.   In today’s show I offer tools and tips on how we can create and/or improve our relationships. A big part of healthy relationships is being able to communicate effectively, which...

145 – Calling In The One With Katherine Woodward Thomas

Happy Valentines Day!   Today’s show is all about love and finding “the one” and/or improving your current relationship. So whether you are in a relationship or not, you will benefit from this show! Katherine Woodward Thomas, author of Calling In The One and Conscious Uncoupling shares with us today some beautiful ideas on how we get ourselves healthy to then create the relationship we have been longing for.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Katherine's Website   Katherine's Instagram @KatherineWoodwardThomas   Katherine's Calling in The One Free Starter Kit Calling in The One Starter Kit   Katherine's Book Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily...

144- Transforming Betrayal with Debi Silber

Dr. Debi Silber from the PBT Institute (Post Betrayal Institute) and I had a great conversation on the transformation of betrayal. She has done studies on betrayal and has a proven method for transformation. We discussed how betrayal can affect us physically and emotionally and we may not even know it! Debi shared with us the stages of transformation and how you too can heal and repair the damage from a betrayal.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   PBT Institute  PBT Institute Quiz  Dr. Silber's Book The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and...

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