Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Podcasts
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

134: Repairing Relationships with our Kids (or Anyone)

In life, we sometimes hurt or damage relationships. The ones that we often regret the most are the ones that are with our kids or other loved ones. The question is, is it possible to repair these relationships and if so how? In today’s show, I discuss with you how to live from your Adult Chair and mend broken relationships with people that we deeply care about.     LINKS & RESOURCES: This week’s show is brought to you by Audible! Get a free audiobook to spice up your commute and learn and...

132: Healing Trauma with Courtney Armstrong

Trauma is such a heavy word and when we think about overcoming it, many of us feel defeated or that it could take a lifetime. In today’s show, we learn otherwise. Courtney Armstrong joins me in a discussion of trauma and offers tools that we can begin using today that can change our trauma, heal and transform it for good. This is not a show to be missed!     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Courtney's Website   Audible This week’s show is brought to you by Audible! Get a free audiobook to spice up your commute and...

133: Ending Triggers

I have great news for you. Yes we can end our triggers! In this show I share with you what a trigger is and what to do with them to end being triggered. Hallelujah! I even go into one of my triggers and how I walked my way out of it and transformed it. I share with you lots of examples that will help you too to be able to transform and end triggers for good.     LINKS & RESOURCES: This week’s show is brought to you by Audible! Get a free...

131: The Power of Acceptance

Many people think acceptance is weak or it’s something we do when we are defeated. It’s actually the opposite. There is great power in acceptance. It’s a choice we make from a clear intentional place within. When we do this our drama or anger can be done and gone. In today’s show, I speak with you about accepting things we are not happy about, things we cannot change, and how our lives can transform with acceptance.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Audible This week’s show is brought to you by Audible! Get a free...

130: A Deeper Understanding of The Adult Chair

After four years of this podcast, I felt like it was time for a refresher of the three chairs. In this show, I discuss where the Adult Chair model came from and a review of the three chairs. For longtime listeners, this will reinforce your knowledge of the Adult Chair. For new listeners, this will help you to build a foundation for this model. Either way, it’s filled with great information about the three chairs!     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Michelle's Book The Adult Chair: A Guide to Loving Yourself     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The...

129: Healing from Abandonment

Abandonment can leave an incredible wound inside of us. We do our best to bury it and not feel that pain but it leaves its mark on us. We move through life unconsciously guarded and ready for abandonment to happen again. We want to be free of this wound but don’t know-how. In today’s show, I go over the two types of abandonment and offer steps to heal this wound.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Audible This week’s show is brought to you by Audible! Get a free audiobook to spice up your commute and...

128: Own Your Reality

There is huge power in owning our reality, yet most of us don’t know-how. We hide behind masks to cover our true selves up and show up in the world how we think others want us to be. This can be exhausting and so wearing on us. In this show, I speak about the power in owning your reality and the benefits of doing so.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Audible This week’s show is brought to you by Audible! Get a free audiobook to spice up your commute and learn and love through reading....

127: Codependency: Ending the Addiction to “Help” Others

We feel responsible for fixing and taking care of others. When we aren’t “helping”, we may feel anxious or useless. These could be symptoms of codependency. In today’s show, I review what happens in childhood that sets us up for codependency, what it looks like in adulthood, and how you can heal and transform your life.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Audible This week’s show is brought to you by Audible! Get a free audiobook to spice up your commute and learn and love through reading. Sign up for your free book at

126: Integrating The Self

When we experience a trauma, there is a part of us that can get stuck in time, yet we continue to physically grow. Part of the work of the Adult Chair is finding these parts and integrating them into the self in order to help us to feel whole and healthy. My client Sarah graciously agreed to share her session today which demonstrates the integration of her 10-year-old part. It was a beautiful session and I am so grateful to Sarah for sharing her experience.     Photo credit: Ümit Bulut @umit     MORE ADULT...

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