Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Podcasts
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

188 – The Wisdom of the Body in Healing with Patti Elledge

Today on the show we have Patti Elledge back again to talk about how we can heal our early developmental wounds, attachment wounds, trauma, abuse, and more by working with the wisdom of the body. This is not a show about "body work," but instead a show about how we learn to feel our emotions, our felt sense, and use our body as a navigation system for healing old wounding.   If we don't pay attention to our bodies, our old wounding lays stuck or dormant in the body. With increased awareness...

187 – Codependency at the Holidays

Ah the holidays, what a wonderful time of year. The rushing around the shopping the preparing of food the obligations to attend all the parties. It's a codependents nightmare!   By the time the first week of January hits we are wiped out and in bed with fatigue from all the caretaking and controlling we did during the holidays. It can be exhausting for us codependents!   In today's show, I give you tools and tips for staying "in your own lane" during the holidays and all year long. It's a mini codependents reference guide in...

186 – Staying Present During The Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving all! Today is the day that marks the official "mad dashing" around to get to the parties on time, buying the perfect gifts, lots of rushing here and there with lots of traffic and the common denominator...

185 – Overcoming Childhood Sexual Abuse with Dr. Gregory Williams

Childhood sexual abuse creeps into the lives of innocent children on a daily basis. As children, we are defenseless to our abusers. Dr. Gregory Williams was one of those children.   On today's show, we have Dr. Gregory Williams sharing his story of childhood sexual abuse, how to heal from abuse, what the signs of childhood sexual abuse are and lastly forgiveness.   We also spoke about the importance of getting ourselves healthy after abuse and how physical illness can stem from unhealed emotional wounds, trauma and abuse.   This is an incredible show and it's...

184 – Boundaries, Empowerment and Finding Truth

I am so excited about this show. On today's show I interviewed a client and she was able to find her truth, step into her power and learn how to set boundaries-all in one show!   This is a client from our membership group that was interested in learning how to be free from the stress of pleasing her parents and standing up for herself. Our monthly theme in the membership is "I'm Free" and she wanted further help on how to apply it to her situation.   It was an amazing session and she...

183 – Understanding and Healing Our Defenses with Karen Gelstein

On today's show we have one of my favorite people and therapists, on the show-Karen Gelstein. Karen helped us to understand our defenses and how to heal them and change how we react with others.   She shares with us how humor, ruminating thoughts, missing red flags, codependency and even addictions are all ways that we defend ourselves to stay safe. We delved into the inner child and how the inner child becomes wounded and the defenses are created.   Lastly, she helps us to identify our defenses and gives us the tools we need to heal, so that we can regain emotional balance and reconnect...

182 – Where is My Adult Chair?

Happy Halloween! After so many questions coming in about The Adult Chair, I felt like it was time to do a show on this.   In today's episode I answer where the Adult Chair is and how to get it back if you've lost access to it. How to find your Adult if you never witnessed a healthy one growing up.   Lastly, I answer what the Adult Chair even is. It's a fun episode with examples and the key to gaining your own Adult's wisdom and living with it daily for your own transformation.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   30 Day Journaling Challenge     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The...

181 – Attachment and Relationships with Silvy Khoucasian

Today on the show, relationship and attachment expert, Silvy Khoucasian and I have a conversation about attachment in relationships. We talk through all of the attachment styles and how to heal and find secure attachment regardless of your style.   We also talk about the importance of boundaries and how to set them as well as shame and trust in relationships and how to build this.   Regardless of your attachment style, you are going to find value in today's show and walk away with tools you can begin to use right away!     LINKS &...

180 – Reprogram your Subconscious Mind

Wow, and what a show this was-Jim Fortin is a genius! On today's show, Jim Fortin, Master Hypnotist and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was on with me and we discussed how to reprogram the subconscious mind.   He teaches us how to break habits, addictions anxiety, and depression and why having a healthy self-identity and image is vital to success. If you are ready for transformation, buckle up, and listen to this show. It's a show not to be missed.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Jim Fortin's Website and Podcast     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult Chair Membership     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook:...

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