Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Podcasts
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

81: Katie Hendricks Brings Plain Talk on Relationships and Intimacy in The Adult Chair

We’re nearing the end of our series on relationships and for our next-to-last episode, we have one of our favorite people on the hook to answer some of your best and most personal questions about your long-term relationships, marriages, and the intimacy you are seeking within them! Katie Hendricks has been a pioneer in body intelligence and conscious loving for over forty years. She is the co-author of twelve books, including the best-selling Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationships at Midlife and Beyond. She co-founded the Spiritual...

80: DriveTime Download: How do I Feel My Emotions? A special for Facebook Members!

So many of us have no idea how to feel our emotions. For a variety of reasons, we are simply just not in touch with them, or even cut ourselves off from feeling them, (unless they are happy emotions.) There is great power in feeling our emotions and in this special DriveTime Download, I give you three easy tips on how to begin to feel your emotions and open up to a whole new world as a special response to our Facebook Private Group members and the rich discussion they’re...

79: Raising Teens from Your Adult Chair with James Wellborn

We all want that one manual for parenting teens but where is it? What do we do when we find out our teen has been drinking, using drugs, or vaping? For parents, this can be triggering and scary! Our goal is to learn to parent from a healthy place, and that’s when we learn to parent from our Adult Chair. This means we stay present, we respond vs react, we set healthy boundaries and have honest (and sometimes tough) conversations with our kids to keep them safe through their teen...

78: Meditation, Mindfulness, and Peace with Buddhist Noah Levine

What does it mean to find happiness? Noah Levine tried to find it — with motorcycles and leather jackets and drugs and more — only to discover that the true path to happiness is on the inside. Since then, he’s become one of the foremost instructors of mindfulness and meditation from the Buddhist perspective thanks to his own journey of peace, and he’s with us today to share more.   This week’s episode kicks off a series of conversations on relationships with a focus on our inner relationship, the one we have...

77: Drive Time Download: What do you do with pain?

Once again, the car has shown itself to be a terrific vessel for inspiration! So many clients have been facing this central question that I found it a great time step back and share some guiding thoughts. When we experience a negative emotion, our instinct is to jump out of it, to move back to happiness and peace as quickly as possible. But we’re not taught to do that authentically so we look for an escape. Today I have some thoughts on how to approach pain from the Adult Chair...

76: Mindful Eating from The Adult Chair

We’re continuing our series on mindfulness and food this week with a conversation on Mindful Eating. What does it mean to eat mindfully? Which chair are we usually in when we eat? What happens to your body when you approach food from a place of mindfulness and gratitude? We’ve got some answers for you, and five key messages you can tell yourself to figure out how to get in better touch with your body, to listen to it, and begin making decisions that serve your overall physical and emotional health!     LINKS...

75: Is Fasting in Your Future? IDM’s Megan Ramos Answers your Ketosis and Fasting Questions!

When we live in our Adult Chair, we live in the healthiest version of ourselves. This is not just about living an emotionally healthy lifestyle, but also living in a strong physical body, too. In fact, our emotional health is directly affected by our physical health.   Megan Ramos serves as director for the Intensive Dietary Management program based in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. She’s a clinical researcher herself with a focus on preventative medicine. After her own diabetes diagnosis, she became the program’s first guinea pig and is here to talk to...

74: Start your Feng Shui Journey with Tisha Morris

Our guest today is Tisha Morris, founder of Earth Home and bestselling author on Feng Shui and the energy of our spaces. We wanted to have Tisha on the show to help us better understand the role of Feng Shui in our homes, but she taught us so much more! Her guidance on the way we relate to our most precious spaces leads us not just through our rooms and down our halls, but deep into our long-forgotten drawers and cabinets to seek out the energy blocks that keep us...

73: The Healing Power of Breath with Michelle D’Avella

Today, we’re talking about your breath. Yes, we all breathe, but how often do you think about the way your breathing impacts your emotional well being or your physical health or your ability to respond to stress and anxiety? The answer — not enough.   Our guest today is Michelle D’Avella. Michelle supports people through their journey inward to release pain, open their hearts, and create a life they love. She is a breathwork teacher, desire map facilitator, writer, and mentor. She is the host of The Pushing Beauty Podcast and we’re...

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