Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Podcasts
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

161- Jealousy

After so many requests to talk about jealousy, here it is! A podcast that covers all things jealousy. What it is, what it isn’t and 8 ideas to help you to find balance around jealousy.   In today’s show I cover how important it is to raise your awareness around jealousy, how to stay out of story and assumptions, and change your state if you are stuck. I also share client examples of jealousy and how to move beyond it when you feel stuck in jealousy.   Lastly, I discuss how control plays into...

160- Boundaries and Defenses

When setting a boundary, often times the person we are talking to gets triggered and falls into a defense, then everything goes south. What do we do when this happens?   In today’s show, I talk with you about how we can “dismantle others defenses” and “diffuse triggers from others”.   It’s an empowering show with lots of tips on setting healthy boundaries and what to do when someone gets triggered by our boundaries.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Care/Of This show is brought to you by Care/Of – Build a personalized daily vitamin pack with honest guidance and...

159- How to Recognize and Heal Abuse with Christine Gutierrez

Abuse can be tricky, it can be subtle and ease into our lives. We can be living with it and might not even be aware of it.   Abuse comes in many forms and not just the obvious physical abuse.   Codependency, narcissism, control, trauma, enmeshment, addictions etc. can all play into this dance of abuse.   On today’s show, Christine Gutierrez and I have a vulnerable and open discussion about abuse. Christine offers some incredible examples and tools on how to recognize if you are being abused, what you can do about it and the...

158- Ideas for PTSD from The Adult Chair

When most of us hear the word PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), we think of someone that has come out of the military. While this can be very true for our military personnel, PTSD affects many others and they may not even know.   So many suffer from chronic anxiety, depression, insomnia and more, and are unaware that the root issue could be PTSD. This is exactly what happened with me.   In today’s show I go through symptoms of PTSD and offer stories and examples of how this may be showing up in your...

157- Better Breakups with Natalia Juarez

On today’s show I have Natalia Juarez discussing how to have better breakups.   Listen to this episode to learn the role attachment issues, love addiction and love avoidance play into our breakups. Learn when it is time to end a relationship AND MOVE ON. Discover how we are the point of our attraction and WHAT TO LOOK FOR within ourselves when we keep attracting “bad” relationships.   So many great topics to discuss with an expert on all things dating, breaking up and recovery. Thank you Natalia Juarez.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   The Breakup Coach   Recommended Book Untangled:...

156- What Do I Work On Next?

I get asked this question all the time, “What do I work on next?” “I realize I have so many things to work on and don’t know where to begin!”   In today’s show I offer ideas on what to work on next, what direction to take while on your path of healing, and how to stay in the flow while doing it.   Whether it be codependency, anxiety, relationship problems, working with self-esteem or any healing goal you have, there is a way to do this from your Adult Chair and today I...

155- The Magic of Being

So many of us live life from The Adolescent Chair. We rush and busy ourselves to the point of exhaustion. We stress ourselves out and wind up living with anxiety, depression and other ailments. We lack presence and feel like if we keep doing we will find our answers and that maybe when we get enough done, our problems will go away, our pain will be erased, and our stress will be gone.   What if finding relief was easier than you imagined?   There is magic in being that can change your life.   When...

154- Shatter Limiting Beliefs and Filters and Change Your Life

Do you ever feel stuck, like you can’t catch a break? Maybe you feel like you keep getting the short end of the stick. Have you ever wondered if your beliefs are creating exactly what you are experiencing? Perhaps limiting beliefs and the filters that you are seeing the world through are attracting in the wrong job, unsuccessful or unhealthy relationships, money issues etc.   Limiting beliefs and filters can keep us stuck, disempowered, and make us feel small, in the victim seat. They can even send us down the path of...

153- Binge Eating with Jessi Jean

On today’s show I spoke with Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Jessi Jean all about binge eating, emotional eating and more. Jessi shared with us her own journey and offered some tips on what you can do right now if you feel out of control with food. So many of us struggle with food and Jessi’s teachings and masterclass have helped thousands around the globe with eating/food issues and food addiction.     LINKS & RESOURCES Jessie Jeann's Instagram @Jessijeannn   Food Freedom Masterclass   Green Chef This show is brought to you by Green Chef – The #1 meal kit...

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