Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Podcasts
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

72: From the Archives — The New Year, Energy & Inclusion with Ramona Reid

Happy July everybody! We’re taking the month off with new shows but we have some good stuff to share on the podcast even while we’re on vacation! First up this week, let’s take a trip back to the new year.   On January 1, I sat down with our friend Ramona Reid on her show, Holistic Revolution Radio, to talk about the new year, energy, inclusion, and chakras. It’s a wide-ranging and informative conversation and — as always with Ramona — a lot of fun! Even though we were talking in the...

71: The Challenge to Change Black & White Thinking!

What is black and white thinking? It’s thinking in extremes and absolutes. We’re for something or against something else, and in between there is nothing. Something is good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, successful, or a failure. Of course, as you’re reading this, you probably think the whole concept sounds ridiculous, and you’re right! But of course, that’s the danger here: many people are unaware that they are black and white thinkers.   Why do people do this? Thinking in absolutes helps us to feel safe, that at least in this area,...

70: I Am Not Your Lifejacket! — Ending Codependency in Relationships

It’s not your job to fix those most important to you. Not your mom, not your dad, not your parents, not your friends… and when you take ownership of the responsibility for others’ well-being such that it impacts your life? You may be struggling with codependency in your relationships. That’s where we start this week, with a primer on the stuff that trips most of us at some point or another. From there, we offer five tools you can use in your life to make sure that you’re active in...

69: Gaining Confidence in Relationships with Intimidating People

Clint from Cape Town, South Africa writes in with a comment and question we wanted to face head on this week. It’s a terrific question and one we’ve all faced at some time or another in our lives. He writes: “I have really always struggled with authority figures and powerful personalities — can you help me sit in the adult chair during meetings with these types of people?”   Yes! This week we’re going to do just that by facing our outdated programming and replacing it with updated maps to help us...

68: Ending Relationships From our Adult Chair

The ending of relationships can be hard, especially when we don’t understand why they are ending or feel hurt over how they ended. When we look at relationships from our Adult Chair, it can change our perspective on why some relationships don’t last and we gain understanding and even comfort. In this episode, we talk about relationships that end from the perspective of our Adult Chair and in turn bring resolution and honor to the growth between us.     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult Chair Membership     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook:   The Adult Chair...

67: “I don’t do emotions.”

We all experience emotional pain off and on throughout our lives. Relationships end, people and pets die, jobs end. Pain could be just around the next corner! The problem is that as humans we think that facing pain means putting it away, hiding from it, dealing with pain as we so love to say.   We don’t need to deal with our pain, we need to feel our pain and that is where we go wrong. This week on the show we’re talking all about experiencing emotions and I have some tried...

66: The Secret to Truly Helping Others Through Pain

When we are met with a friend or family member in pain — or grief, sadness, really any emotion — our instinct is to console them, to somehow help relieve their discomfort or even fix their pain. Here’s the problem: that doesn’t help. There is way to help others with their pain but it’s not what you’d think. When we demonstrate awareness, love, and willingness to be present in another’s pain, it provides a platform for change, and that’s what we’re going to teach you how to do on the...

65: How To Connect With Your Inner Child

Have you ever found yourself listening to us talking about connecting to our inner child, and wondered, “right, I get it, but how?” We’re going to help you today! The hardest part about doing this inner child work on your own is getting past the awkward feeling, the self-judgment that you’re not doing it right. It will likely feel strange to start, but once you get into the practice, you’ll feel right at home with the practical visualization of actually connecting with your inner child, and get to the peace,...

64: Parenting Teens with the Adult Chair

As our kids move into their teenage years, they begin to distance themselves from us as parents. It’s perfectly normal! But that doesn’t make it any easier on us, and it forces us to change our approach to communicating with them.   As they push back on us in an effort to find space themselves, we’re tempted to push back on them, to control and make demands of their time and attention. It’s a recipe for disaster in your relationship! Instead, try guiding them, focusing on their explorations as a reflective listener....

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