Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Podcasts
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Results for: grief

265 – How We Heal Grief with Sharon Brubaker and Erica Honore

We as a society and individuals don’t do grief very well. For most of us, it’s something we’d rather just not “do” at all. Even knowing what to say to a grieving friend can leave us tongue tied and lost.   But as much as we wish it weren't true, if we’re human, we’re going to experience loss at some point in life. And grief takes many forms. It can come with a change in lifestyle, a relationship or job we love or with the loss of a pet, sending a child...

93: Drivetime Download: Grief

Michelle is in the car again, this time answering some community questions on how to handle grief, particularly during the holidays. What do you from the Adult Chair when you need someone to show up for you, and support you in your time of grief? What about from the other perspective? How do you show up for someone else experiencing grief or loss this holiday season? All that and more in our last episode before the new year!     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website https://theadultchair.com   The Adult Chair Membership https://theadultchair.com/membership/     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook: facebook.com/MichelleChalfantfanPage   The Adult Chair...

394 – Holiday Special: Loneliness at the Holidays with Dr. Dain Heer

The holidays are a time where it feels like everything is a bit magnified: there is so much joy and brightness in the world but also space for sadness, loneliness and grief to be amplified.   It’s a touchy time of year where whatever we’re feeling gets underscored by parties, gatherings and traditions.   But the holidays don’t create these feelings. In fact, according to my guest on the podcast today, WE don’t even create most of these feelings. Rather, we pick them up from our parents and the world around us, and the...

384 – Grieving Gracefully with Kris Carr

Grief is a messy, complicated emotion, and very few of us know what to do with it.   We don’t want to (or know how to) feel it, and when we’re around others who are grieving, most of us freeze.   We feel uncomfortable, so we say nothing or say the wrong thing or stay away, all of which just adds to the pain.    That was me in my 20s and 30s. But when I lost my father, I could no longer avoid grief. He taught me how to grieve…and I found that grief, as...

381 – Summer Series: How To Get Rid of Negative Emotions

Grief, anger, sadness, fear…YUCK! I don’t know anyone who likes to feel these emotions.    I get emails from you guys all the time asking how to get rid of “negative” emotions like these.   But are these emotions really negative? Or do they serve a purpose in our lives?   While some emotions might feel more unpleasant than others, I personally don’t believe any emotion is negative. All emotions are part of the human experience and carry information for us.   However, they can create negative experiences in life when we get stuck in them.   The problem isn’t...

367 – Change Your Mindset & Change Your Life with Michael Hyatt

There’s something in your life you want to change. Where do you start?    My friend, business coach and wildly successful entrepreneur, Michael Hyatt, says there’s one thing we can change that transforms everything else: our minds.   Our thoughts drive our actions, and our actions drive our results, which is why if we want different outcomes in life – whether in our relationships, our business, our finances or our happiness – we have to start by looking within.   In this episode, Michael explains the inner narrator we all have, a part of us that...

339 – Navigating Narcissism and High-Conflict Co-Parenting with Sarah Kamoto

Realizing your partner is a narcissist or emotionally abusive and making the decision to leave can be one of the most liberating experiences of your life. But what if you’re forever tied to this person because of a child you share together? What if you can take yourself out of the relationship but can't take the narcissist out of your life?   Co-parenting with a highly toxic or abusive person adds a whole new dynamic to parenting and divorce. Your child needs more support than ever — and so do you as...

332 – How to Get Rid of Negative Emotions

Grief, anger, sadness, fear…YUCK! I don’t know anyone who likes to feel these emotions.    I get emails from you guys all the time asking how to get rid of “negative” emotions like these.   But are these emotions really negative? Or do they serve a purpose in our lives?   While some emotions might feel more unpleasant than others, I personally don’t believe any emotion is negative. All emotions are part of the human experience and carry information for us.   However, they can create negative experiences in life when we get stuck in them.   The problem isn’t...

330 – Understanding and Preventing Suicide with Anne Moss Rogers

Anne Moss Rogers will never forget the day she got the news that no parent wants to hear: her son had died.    And then a second piece of news came like a punch to the gut: he had died by suicide.   Anne Moss and her husband knew he had been struggling with alcohol and drugs, but they didn’t realize he had been using substances to mask thoughts of suicide. On top of their loss and grief, they were forced to wrestle with the questions that often come in the wake of suicide:...

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