Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Health
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

229 – End Self-Sabotage

Do you ever catch yourself setting a goal…and then doing the exact opposite?   Maybe it’s deciding to get in shape…and then reaching for the chocolate cake.   Maybe it’s getting into a healthy relationship…and then cheating on your partner.   We can be our own worst enemy sometimes, sabotaging ourselves and our goals. But like anything else, self-sabotage is just a part of us… and it’s actually an easy one to transform!    In this episode, I’m breaking down how to get into your Adult Chair and find your self-sabotaging parts. I share a client example from...

228 – Breakthrough Treatments for Anxiety, Depression and Stress with Dr. David Rabin

Buckle your seat belts, because our guest today is today is about to take you on a trip deep into the human mind — and help you understand how to naturally treat everything from depression to ADHD.   I first heard about Dr. David Rabin when my husband gave me an Apollo Neuro, a wearable sensory device that Dr. Rabin invented to naturally calm the nervous system. After digging more into his work, I knew I had to invite Dr. Rabin on the show — and wow, he might be the most...

227 – The Benefits of a Meditation Practice with Sharon Salzberg

In 1974 when Sharon Salzberg discovered meditation, there were no meditation apps, mainstream teachers, corporate retreats or scientific studies backing the practice like we have today. Largely considered a Buddhist practice, meditation was relegated to Eastern thought and spiritual gurus. But for Sharon, who grew up in the hustle and bustle of New York City and went through a number of traumatic experiences as a child, it was a lifesaver — a tool that showed her she could take ownership of her life and transform her own suffering.   After studying in...

219 – Summer Series: Building Self-Esteem

We can never have enough self-esteem. So many of us didn’t have healthy self-esteem role models growing up, so we are embarking on this journey now. The good news is that it’s never too late to learn to love yourself...

217 – Summer Series: Attachment and Relationships with Silvy Khoucasian

We all have different ways that we connect and bond with others, and in psychology, we call this “attachment style.” For example, some of us are anxious in our bonds, always making sure the relationship is ok. Others of us pull away when we feel we are getting too close with someone else. Our attachment style is HIGHLY influenced by our childhood and how we bonded with our caregivers growing up, and it’s so important to understanding how we interact in our adult relationships!    In this episode, I interview the incredible...

216 – Navigating 2020 from Your Adult

As we reach the last week of June and find ourselves halfway through 2020, I’m having a hard time finding words for this year. It has felt like a year of nonstop chaos, with so many challenges at the global and personal level. We are all feeling triggered everywhere we turn and overwhelmed by a range of emotions.   You might be wondering if it’s even possible to live from your healthy Adult Chair during times like these, and I’m here to tell you that it IS possible. These are the times...

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