Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Health
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The Adult Chair Podcast

396 – Healing Generational Limiting Beliefs with LaShonda Walker

As you think about your life, do you ever wish your story was different?   You wish you more of this, less of that, that an event had never happened, that you had done the thing you will always regret not doing.    But what if the story you tell yourself about your life is just as important as the story of what happened to you?    And what if you could change your entire life by consciously changing how you think about your past?   LaShonda Walker is a Certified Adult Chair® Coach who has created an...

395 – Managing Triggers at the Holidays

‘Tis the season…for triggers!   At the holidays, stress, drinking, spending money and spending time with others all increase. And with that, comes a decrease in patience, sleep, time for self and all the things that make us more resilient to stress.   Add in the fact that we tend to be around people we aren’t normally around for longer periods of time, and it’s a landmine for triggers.    But as you know, I love triggers because they are such a powerful opportunity to look at and work on our limiting beliefs.    So, I invite you...

394 – Holiday Special: Loneliness at the Holidays with Dr. Dain Heer

The holidays are a time where it feels like everything is a bit magnified: there is so much joy and brightness in the world but also space for sadness, loneliness and grief to be amplified.   It’s a touchy time of year where whatever we’re feeling gets underscored by parties, gatherings and traditions.   But the holidays don’t create these feelings. In fact, according to my guest on the podcast today, WE don’t even create most of these feelings. Rather, we pick them up from our parents and the world around us, and the...

393 – Self-Care To Regulate Your Nervous System with Theresa Steighner

What image comes to mind when you think about self-care?   A massage or bubble bath?   A fancy dinner?    Being all zenned out in lotus pose?   Though these things can be wonderful, I also think they can give self-care a bad name by portraying it as something fun, frivolous and even a little selfish.    In reality, true self-care – or what I like to call “therapeutic self-care” – is absolutely essential to our well-being and our ability to show up for those around us.   Therapeutic self-care is about meeting your core needs as a human – mental,...

392 – How To Get Unstuck and Change Your Life

Have you ever felt stuck in life, like you dislike where you are but think you have no other options?   This is one of my least favorite places to be (and I’ve been there many times). Being unhappy feels bad enough…but what truly feels terrible is thinking there’s no way out.   And when we believe there’s no way out, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.    That’s because it’s not our circumstances that keep us stuck, but our thoughts and beliefs. Stuck thoughts lead to stuck energy, which paralyzes us.    To get unstuck, we have to...

391 – 5 Ways To Live From Your True Self

We all have a “true self” – the essence of who we were before the world told us who to be.    We’re born with this essence, but over time, we start reacting to the world around us and create a false self out of our wounds, our experiences and our attempts to get our needs met.    The false self isn’t bad, but it isn’t who we really are – and a lot of the challenges we experience in life, like anxiety and depression, come from living out of alignment with our true...

390 – Understanding Psychedelics with Matt Zemon

Everyone seems to have an opinion about psychedelics these days.   Doctors and therapists see them as potential treatments for things like anxiety, depression and PTSD. Spiritual communities believe they open us up to the divine. Politicians debate whether they should be legal or illegal.    I have to admit that when I first heard people talking about them, I was scared.   I’m not a big fan of substance use of any kind, and the idea of a “drug” becoming mainstream concerned me.   But when some respected psychologists and colleagues of mine started talking about the...

389 – Steps for Working Through a Trigger with Angela Johnson

Triggers are a gift.   Yes, you heard that right (and if you’ve been here for a while, you’ve heard me say it before) – I LOVE being triggered!    That’s not to say it’s fun being triggered, but working with triggers has led to some of the most transformational moments of my life.    See, triggers reveal unknown, unconscious beliefs we hold about ourselves – limiting beliefs that cause us pain and hold back in life.    When these beliefs rise to the surface in the form of a trigger, we get the beautiful opportunity to work...

388 – Human Design with Emma Dunwoody

Do you ever wonder why you do what you do…and if it’s just you who does it?   Your gifts, your life’s mission, how much energy you have, what you need in relationships, how you view money – these are all unique to you.    And according to Human Design, you are the way you are for a special reason.   Unlike personality typing systems based on mental or behavioral patterns, Human Design is a system based on energy and what was going on in the universe when you were born. Though there are five main...

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