Narcissistic abuse is, I believe, one of the most toxic experiences out there. While NO kind of abuse is ok, narcissists can be extremely subtle, sneaky and manipulative, making them difficult to spot. Anyone who has been in a relationship with one knows how confusing and damaging it can be.
My guest today, Meredith Miller, is a holistic coach who helps people heal themselves from narcissistic abuse and toxic relationships. After experiencing abuse from a narcissistic parent for nearly 38 years, she has a deep understanding of a narcissist’s traits, how to rebuild a sense of self and how to turn the experience into an opportunity for healing and growth.
Meredith shares her own story of abuse and healing, and we talk about SO many important topics, from what narcissistic abuse is to the myths around abuse and how to start healing.
Listen to discover:
- How to identify abuse (and steps to take to get out)
- Navigating toxic families and people
- Tools for healing trauma
- Setting boundaries and reprogramming the subconscious mind
- How to navigate narcissistic partners as a parent
- How to go “no contact” (if that’s right for you)
There is SO much incredible information packed into this hour! Meredith truly gets it, and I’m so grateful for the gift of her time and expertise in helping the world recognize and transform the effects of abuse.
“You can’t share your hopes and dreams with toxic people.” – Meredith Miller
“It’s so important that we stop, pause, work on our own healing and transform those programs.” – Michelle Chalfant
“The trauma awakens you to this whole new potential…we start to discover the parts of ourselves that weren’t hurt.” – Meredith Miller
“When you give explanations for boundaries, toxic people just see that as points to keep negotiating with you on.” – Meredith Miller
Meredith Miller Website
Meredith Miller Podcast
Meredith Miller YouTube
Meredith Miller Instagram
Meredith Miller Facebook
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February Theme = “I love.”
TAC Circles
(Previously “TAC Gatherings”)
Episode #179: I’m in a Relationship with a Narcissist
Episode #196: Spotting Covert Narcissism
Episode #207: The Narcissism and Codependency Connection with Ross Rosenberg
The Adult Chair Website
The Adult Chair Membership
The Adult Chair Coaching Certification
The Adult Chair Workshops
TAC Circles