Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Health
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

197 – Know and Grow Self-Love

The other day I heard from someone who was having a bad day. She asked if this meant she had lost her self-love and how she could know she had enough self-love. That conversation made me realize how little we know about self-love, and it inspired me to do this show.    Like any relationship, our relationship with ourselves has its ups and downs and its good and bad days. Just because we don’t “feel the love” in every moment doesn’t mean it's not there! All great love grows over time and...

196 – Spotting Covert Narcissism

We all know the word “narcissism.” We can usually spot a narcissist a mile away. They are loud, want all the attention and can be obnoxious. This is known as overt narcissism.   But can you spot a covert narcissist? They can be tricky, with a more "subtle" form of narcissism. It can sting just as badly, but you have no idea it's happening (at least not initially) because it's so subtle.    A covert narcissist still craves attention, but they are sneaky or subtle with how they get it. They look amazing on...

195 – From Anxiety & Panic to Peace

What do you do when anxiety creeps up out of nowhere and sends you into a state of panic? Maybe it’s a stressful call or email, an overflowing to-do list or all of your worries being flung in your face at once, until it feels like fear is taking over your body.    You know the feeling: irrational thoughts, a racing heart, a mind that’s racing even faster and even symptoms like a headache or upset stomach.   This happened to me the other day, and it felt like every part of my life...

194 – Purge, Connect & Reach: 3 Simple Steps to Change Your Mood

There is nothing worse than when we find ourselves caught in a bad mood. Whether we wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something triggers us and sends us into a funk, we all experience moments or even days where we feel a bit "down."   Often, it can be difficult to identify where our mood has come from or why we feel this way. We might just know we feel bad, sad, lonely, anxious, depressed, or emotionally "off." It can be hard to get back on track when...

193 – Boundaries in Relationships with Nedra Glover Tawwab

We can never talk enough about boundaries! They are so important for loving ourselves, living empowered and creating healthy relationships, but most of us never saw healthy boundaries modeled and struggle with setting them. That's why I'm SO excited to have the amazing boundary and relationship expert, Nedra Glover Tawwab, on this week's show!   In this episode, we have a great conversation about boundaries in all kinds of relationships, whether it be your mother, father, sibling, your teen, your spouse (or ex-spouse), boss or friend. Nedra and I discuss what we need...

192 – Sex Addiction with Abbe Barclay

I have heard from so many of you that wanted more information on Sex Addiction so I decided to have my friend and sex addiction specialist Abbe Barclay on. Abbe is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist.   Abbe is a wealth of information and didn't hold back on today's show. We discussed how sex addiction develops, porn addiction, masturbation if recovery is possible for sex addicts and if so, what the recovery is as well as how you can best support a sex addict and so...

191 – Finding True Freedom With Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements

Happy New Year! I thought long and hard about this kick-off show and know-how so many of us strive for a big change in the New Year but in my experience, small changes lead to big impact.   In December I fell upon a book (it actually felt like it jumped off the shelf to me), :) that I have read several times. It's a classic book that you might have read as it came out in 1997. The book is; The Four Agreements: A practical guide to personal freedom by Don...

171- Myofascial Release with Diana Schneider

I’m back from my summer break! Welcome to the first show of our new podcast year. I am so excited about our guest today.   I have spoken for months about Myofascial Release Technique and am finally having our in house expert on the show! Diana Schneider, Advanced Myofacial Release Therapist is on today talking all about what the technique is and how it can help you.   This technique has been a beautiful complement for my own clients as well as part of my bi-weekly self care. It’s a wonderful way to release...

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