Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 283 – Deeper Connections Through Vulnerability
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283 – Deeper Connections Through Vulnerability




As humans, we are all wired for connection and to feel like we belong. No one, even the biggest introvert on the planet, doesn’t want to feel connected with others. 


But many of us find there is a gap between the connection we crave and the way we experience our relationships. We might have a loving marriage, a thousand Facebook friends and a busy social calendar but something still feels empty.


That’s because to truly connect at a deep level, we have to get real and vulnerable with each other…and vulnerability is scary! Few of us really “go there” in our relationships, and this leaves us wanting something more.


But like anything else, vulnerability is a practice. It’s something we can all work to grow in our lives and start getting the relationships we really want. In this episode, I’m sharing with you the benefits of vulnerability, how to find safe people to practice vulnerability with and the steps you can take to grow vulnerability and connection in your relationships.


Listen to discover:


  • What vulnerability is
  • Why vulnerability is a strength
  • The benefits of vulnerability
  • When to be vulnerable and when not to be vulnerable
  • Scripts for practicing vulnerability in relationships


If vulnerability still feels a bit scary, that’s ok! Practicing vulnerability is all about taking baby steps and increasing your comfort level with sharing with others. And as you begin to lead with vulnerability, you will automatically invite others to be vulnerable with you, building deeper connections and transforming your relationships! 


“When we start sharing on that level, we have the potential and the ability to then connect with others on that level.” – Michelle Chalfant


“The deeper I can go within myself and get in touch with what’s going on inside myself, the deeper relationships I can have outside of self.” – Michelle Chalfant


“As a good friend, it’s my job to mirror for her what’s going on.” – Michelle Chalfant


“Vulnerability fosters intimacy.” – Michelle Chalfant


“When we are vulnerable, there’s compassion for who we are.” – Michelle Chalfant


“Humans are wired for connection and the feeling of belonging. Being vulnerable with another human being creates exactly that.” – Michelle Chalfant




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Instagram: @michelle.chalfant


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