Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Inner Self
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

170- Breaking Negative Patterns and Programs

This is the last show replay for the summer. It’s a wonderful show where I work with a client on breaking her negative patterns. There is a lot to be learned from this show.   The only way you’re going to heal is to own your life. That’s the overriding message of the show today and it comes thanks to the story of a fabulous client we’ll call “Carolyn.” She’s graciously offered her story for this week’s show as a demonstration of owning your own stuff, and making great strides in breaking...

169- #1: Healing Shame

Yuck…Shame! Who wants to look at or feel their shame?   I realize that so many of us avoid our shame because we don’t know what to do with it! What if I told you, I could give you tools to help heal and transform your shame?   Well today is your lucky day as I am giving you steps to work with, get to know and transform your shame. I also recorded a guided meditation to go with this podcast in order to help you work with and release shame specifically whenever it...

168- #2: Transform Your Parts and Find Self Love

We are made up of many parts that create our whole.   We can’t help but have parts like the doubter, blamer, the “I am a fraud” part, etc. We all have parts that we don’t like (or even hate) but we don’t know what to do with them….until today.   Today, I share with you what we do with these parts that you don’t like. I offer you a 7 step process on how you can transform these inner parts, find freedom and yes, grow to love yourself.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Care/Of This show is brought...

165- #5: The Enlightened Empath with Sarah Weiss

Feeling drained or fatigued? Maybe you pick up on other people’s emotions and can feel what they are feeling? This “phenomena” is not random, these are qualities of an empath.   Many of us are walking around with anxiety, depression, aches and pains and are not aware that these too are common “issues” empaths can have. This was how I spent the first half of my life, until I learned about empaths and how to set better boundaries for myself.   When we understand the qualities of being an empath, we can get healthy...

164- Taming Your Control Freak

Ouch! Did someone call you a control freak?! I get it…been there with that label. We think that we are getting so much done, life feels like it’s in order and things are just, “better” because of how we see and operate in the world. It’s just “who we are.”   I had to sit with that one when someone told me years ago that I was a control freak. I contemplated…”It isn’t who I am?” “Who would I be without my control?” Well it scared the crap out of me frankly.   After...

163- Feel Your Anger and Find Your Truth

How do you feel about anger? What do you do with your anger? Do you shove it down and override it with being “nice” so you “don’t rock the boat”?   Many of us grew up with unhealthy anger modeling. Maybe you had a narcissistic and/or angry parent in the home. Perhaps when you had anger in your home, you were told it was unacceptable or even bad.   Whatever the case may be, anger is a healthy and much needed emotion. Anger fuels our power and can help us to make decisions and...

161- Jealousy

After so many requests to talk about jealousy, here it is! A podcast that covers all things jealousy. What it is, what it isn’t and 8 ideas to help you to find balance around jealousy.   In today’s show I cover how important it is to raise your awareness around jealousy, how to stay out of story and assumptions, and change your state if you are stuck. I also share client examples of jealousy and how to move beyond it when you feel stuck in jealousy.   Lastly, I discuss how control plays into...

159- How to Recognize and Heal Abuse with Christine Gutierrez

Abuse can be tricky, it can be subtle and ease into our lives. We can be living with it and might not even be aware of it.   Abuse comes in many forms and not just the obvious physical abuse.   Codependency, narcissism, control, trauma, enmeshment, addictions etc. can all play into this dance of abuse.   On today’s show, Christine Gutierrez and I have a vulnerable and open discussion about abuse. Christine offers some incredible examples and tools on how to recognize if you are being abused, what you can do about it and the...

158- Ideas for PTSD from The Adult Chair

When most of us hear the word PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), we think of someone that has come out of the military. While this can be very true for our military personnel, PTSD affects many others and they may not even know.   So many suffer from chronic anxiety, depression, insomnia and more, and are unaware that the root issue could be PTSD. This is exactly what happened with me.   In today’s show I go through symptoms of PTSD and offer stories and examples of how this may be showing up in your...

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