Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Health
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

163- Feel Your Anger and Find Your Truth

How do you feel about anger? What do you do with your anger? Do you shove it down and override it with being “nice” so you “don’t rock the boat”?   Many of us grew up with unhealthy anger modeling. Maybe you had a narcissistic and/or angry parent in the home. Perhaps when you had anger in your home, you were told it was unacceptable or even bad.   Whatever the case may be, anger is a healthy and much needed emotion. Anger fuels our power and can help us to make decisions and...

162- A Conversation with Suzy

Today I had the pleasure of having a conversation with Suzy, someone that has had a life of enmeshment, codependency, abuse, attempted murder by her husband and more. She now lives with greater peace and balance than ever before and she says a large part of her transformation is due to The Adult Chair.   Her story is as unbelievable as it is inspirational. Grab your Kleenex when listening to this one and be prepared to view your own life through a different lens by the end of the show.   So grateful for...

159- How to Recognize and Heal Abuse with Christine Gutierrez

Abuse can be tricky, it can be subtle and ease into our lives. We can be living with it and might not even be aware of it.   Abuse comes in many forms and not just the obvious physical abuse.   Codependency, narcissism, control, trauma, enmeshment, addictions etc. can all play into this dance of abuse.   On today’s show, Christine Gutierrez and I have a vulnerable and open discussion about abuse. Christine offers some incredible examples and tools on how to recognize if you are being abused, what you can do about it and the...

158- Ideas for PTSD from The Adult Chair

When most of us hear the word PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), we think of someone that has come out of the military. While this can be very true for our military personnel, PTSD affects many others and they may not even know.   So many suffer from chronic anxiety, depression, insomnia and more, and are unaware that the root issue could be PTSD. This is exactly what happened with me.   In today’s show I go through symptoms of PTSD and offer stories and examples of how this may be showing up in your...

154- Shatter Limiting Beliefs and Filters and Change Your Life

Do you ever feel stuck, like you can’t catch a break? Maybe you feel like you keep getting the short end of the stick. Have you ever wondered if your beliefs are creating exactly what you are experiencing? Perhaps limiting beliefs and the filters that you are seeing the world through are attracting in the wrong job, unsuccessful or unhealthy relationships, money issues etc.   Limiting beliefs and filters can keep us stuck, disempowered, and make us feel small, in the victim seat. They can even send us down the path of...

153- Binge Eating with Jessi Jean

On today’s show I spoke with Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Jessi Jean all about binge eating, emotional eating and more. Jessi shared with us her own journey and offered some tips on what you can do right now if you feel out of control with food. So many of us struggle with food and Jessi’s teachings and masterclass have helped thousands around the globe with eating/food issues and food addiction.     LINKS & RESOURCES Jessie Jeann's Instagram @Jessijeannn   Food Freedom Masterclass   Green Chef This show is brought to you by Green Chef – The #1 meal kit...

151- Quick Trigger Relief

When we are triggered, we lose ourselves so quickly and fall into a defense. Oftentimes we regret our reaction later on. In today’s show, Michelle gives some tips to help us stay in our Adult Chair when we are triggered and remain present with whatever is coming up.   Triggers can be such a gift when we understand that they are windows into our unconscious beliefs. It’s a way to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves!     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Care/Of This show is brought to you by Care/Of – Build a personalized daily vitamin pack...

150- Transform Your Parts and Find Self Love

It can be hard to live with self-love when we have loud inner negative parts. In today’s show, Michelle discusses steps to transform these inner parts from the Adolescent chair. Once these parts are transformed, we are able to live with greater self-love and compassion.     LINKS & RESOURCES: Until now, air purifiers have attempted to collect pollutants on filters where they can multiply and be released back into the air. Molekule’s revolutionary nanotechnology destroys pollutants at the molecular level. Use Promo Code: adult at checkout to receive $75 OFF your first...

148- Healthy Relationships Part 2

I was inspired to do a follow-up show to answer questions and comments that came in from the Healthy Relationships podcast episode #146 a couple of weeks ago. So today’s show is a continuation of ideas and tools to help you cultivate healthy relationships in your life.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Meditation 10 Minute Meditation for Creating your Hearts Desire     OTHER RELATED ADULT CHAIR PODCAST EPISODES:   Episode 146 Healthy Relationships Part 1   Episode 145 Calling In The One With Katherine Woodward Thomas     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult Chair Membership     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook:   The Adult Chair Facebook Group:   YouTube: ...

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