Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Health
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The Adult Chair Podcast

5-Minute Self Love Meditation

This 5-minute meditation promotes relaxation, healing and self- love. It’s a wonderful meditation for emotional healing and/or physical healing or for anyone seeking greater peace in their lives. ...

Empath Meditation for Cleansing and Clearing Your Energy

This month we’ve been discussing what it means to live as an empath, taking on the emotional and energetic burdens of the world around us. In this month’s meditation, I offer you a cleansing and grounding journey, a meditation to center you and help you find peace in noise. It is also a meditation for cleansing chakras, and we’ll walk through each in meditation today....

A Guided Meditation and Exercise for Releasing Shame

Unfortunately, we all experience shame at some point in our lives, some of us more than others. In this guided meditation exercise, you will be guided through a process from the Adult Chair model that releases and transforms shame....

Grounding Meditation

A guided meditation for when we feel scattered, spacey, “not all here.” Grounding helps with focus, feeling present and awareness. It is beneficial to do this meditation daily. When we ground we are anchoring ourselves into the earth, which can be a very healing ritual on all levels. ...

A 10-Minute Meditation to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

This 10-minute meditation will help you relieve stress and anxiety all year round. With a daily practice, you’ll begin to find great inner strength from meditation — I hope you’ll use this to begin to discover the emotional freedom that is possible!...

A 10-Minute Meditation for Creating Your Heart’s Desire

This 10-minute guided meditation will take you through a seven step process to increase your manifestation success. It is an easy to follow creation process that includes the key steps in creation, using energy centers of the body to bring the creation down through you and into your reality. Many other manifestation strategies don’t work well, as they are missing key elements to bring forth your desired creation. This process has been tried and proven and works! Let me know how you like it, would love to hear from you....

1-Minute Relaxation Meditation

No time for meditation? No more excuses! In one minute this meditation promotes relaxation, brings you back to balance and create a sense of peace. It’s a wonderful was to start your day and do during the day whenever you need to re-center and de-stress. ...

Clear Anxiety, Stress and Worry

This is a meditation to release anxiety, stress and worry. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax and become fully present. ...

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