Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 337 – How to Live an Awakened Life with Andrew DeGregorio
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337 – How to Live an Awakened Life with Andrew DeGregorio

If you’ve spent any time in the therapy or self-help space, you’ve probably heard amazing stories from leaders and teachers who have had some sort of spiritual awakening. 


To the average person, these types of experiences might seem far off – something reserved for the gurus or super spiritual among us.


But in my work, I want to know if all humans can awaken to their true self and how we do that.  


Andrew DeGregorio was not a guru when he had his awakening. An average 30-something guy who wasn’t necessarily on a spiritual quest, his life totally changed when he had a near-death experience that led him to connect with something bigger than himself.


As he went through a season of immense suffering following his injury and turned inward to ask deeper questions about himself, he began to recognize how much he was living from survival- and fear-based strategies and how much conditioning was covering up his true self. 


Then, one day, he had an indescribable experience of connecting with his true self and the pure Love we all come from, and he never looked back. Today, he helps others heal and return to their true selves through personal development, energy work, nervous system work and so much more…and he’s walking proof that, yes, any of us can awaken! 


In this episode, Andrew shares his experience of awakening and the deep wisdom from his own journey. We talk about the ego, soul, God, the universe and how we can get out of projection, our programming and fear and live from a love-centered and soul-centered place every day.


Listen to discover:


  • Andrew’s powerful story of awakening to his true self after a near-death experience
  • What the ego is and the role it plays in our life
  • Practical (and often counterintuitive) ways we can begin to awaken
  • The energetic dynamics of projection and how it affects relationships 
  • What the soul is (the stuff we’re actually made up of as humans)
  • How our souls and personality work together to create our purpose
  • How to create a soul-driven and love-driven business
  • Navigating pain and depression from a soul-centered place


This is such a deep conversation where we talk about some of the biggest questions of life and the universe, but it felt so practical and grounded (that’s part of Andrew’s magic!). As you listen, I invite you to open your mind and stretch your beliefs. 


I believe that simply asking these types of questions is one of the most important things we can do. When we open our mind to the possibilities that exist and surrender to something bigger than ourselves, we might be surprised at what we discover about ourselves, others and even God.


“Awakening is a good word. That was a process that began to happen to me.” – Andrew DeGregorio


“I took radical responsibility for my reality and moving out of this victim mentality.” – Andrew DeGregorio


“In that moment, I had an experience of the truth of what I am, of what we are.” – Andrew DeGregorio


“When you see all the things that you’re not, eventually you’re going to realize the thing that you are.” – Andrew DeGregorio


“We walk around thinking we’re this person, but we’re actually not that at all.” – Michelle Chalfant 


“When we come out of our conditioning, we start to realize there’s a lot more to reality.” – Andrew DeGregorio


“Where we source our action…really matters. What’s the energy behind our action?” – Andrew DeGregorio


“We can choose to begin to awaken by turning inward within ourselves.” – Andrew DeGregorio


“The true self is in all of us, but it’s covered up.” – Michelle Chalfant 


“We actually need each other as mirrors.” – Andrew DeGregorio


“A simple request when there’s projection involved becomes an attack.”- Andrew DeGregorio


“Slowing things down is really key.” – Michelle Chalfant


“The soul has a mission that it’s here to do.” – Andrew DeGregorio


“If we are depressed, and we can just have that intention of surrendering to God while taking some action and really having compassion for ourselves and finding somebody that can support us, I think anybody can come back from it.” – Andrew DeGregorio


“Surrender is not complacent.” – Andrew DeGregorio





Andrew DeGregorio Website



“The Knock” (Andrew DeGregorio Book)



The Adult Chair® Workshop Nashville: November 3-5, 2022






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