Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 330 – Understanding and Preventing Suicide with Anne Moss Rogers
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330 – Understanding and Preventing Suicide with Anne Moss Rogers

Anne Moss Rogers will never forget the day she got the news that no parent wants to hear: her son had died. 


And then a second piece of news came like a punch to the gut: he had died by suicide.


Anne Moss and her husband knew he had been struggling with alcohol and drugs, but they didn’t realize he had been using substances to mask thoughts of suicide. On top of their loss and grief, they were forced to wrestle with the questions that often come in the wake of suicide: Did they miss the signs? Was there more they could have done? How could such a wonderful person like their son feel so hopeless?


In this episode, Anne Moss shares her powerful story of surviving and healing after her son’s death, how she overcame the questions and guilt that come when someone close dies by suicide and her work as a mental health and suicide prevention speaker, reaching others who are hurting and educating people on the signs of suicide. 


Anne Moss uses her expertise to pull back the curtain on a tough topic that we often want to sweep under the rug and gives practical advice on how to talk about suicide, how to help someone who might be contemplating suicide and how to process grief following a suicide.


Listen to discover:


  • Anne Moss’s story and how she has processed the grief of her son’s death
  • How Anne Moss overcame the guilt and questions surrounding her son’s death
  • The increasing rates of suicide among young people and what might be driving it
  • The signs that someone might be contemplating suicide 
  • What to say and what not to say to someone contemplating suicide
  • Correct language for describing suicide
  • Tips for parents concerned about their children


Suicide is becoming a rising cause of death, especially among young people, and while it’s a tough topic to talk about, it’s one that is too important to ignore. In fact, 86% of people who think about suicide let their intentions be known in some way. Anne Moss’s advice in this episode helps us know how to approach this topic with empathy and boldness and how to walk alongside a child or friend who might be struggling.


If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please call or text 988 or visit to talk to someone who will offer you support and understanding with zero judgment. You don’t have to walk through this alone.


“Our love isn’t what prevents suicides.” – Anne Moss Rogers


“They don’t leave because they don’t love you…they leave because they are in pain or a place of deep despair.” – Anne Moss Rogers


“It is really hard for a lot of humans to walk in and sit with someone in their tragedy.” – Anne Moss Rogers


“Time removed [grief’s] fangs.” – Anne Moss Rogers


“You cannot push pain away. You have to go straight into it to heal it.” – Michelle Chalfant


“I’d rather somebody be mad at me than dead.” – Anne Moss Rogers


“Your job is to listen with empathy…allowing another person to feel heard is the absolute greatest gift you can give to another human.” – Anne Moss Rogers


“86% of those who thought about suicide let their intentions be known in some way.”  – Anne Moss Rogers





Anne Moss Rogers Blog 


Anne Moss Rogers Website


“Diary of a Broken Mind” (Anne Moss Rogers book) 


Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Call or text 988 


The Adult Chair Workshop Nashville: November 3-5, 2022 





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