Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 297 – Overcoming Fear with Scout Sobel
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297 – Overcoming Fear with Scout Sobel

When we think about the lives we want to live – the things we want to do and experience and the big dreams we have – the ego will give us a thousand reasons “why not.”


Some of these reasons might be real traumas or health issues we have to overcome; others are figments of the ego’s imagination…fear and discomfort that scream at us to stay in the safe place.


But one thing is certain: anyone who has created more for themselves has overcome struggles and fears to build the life of their dreams.


My guest, Scout Sobel, shares her story of working through depression and bipolar disorder and overcoming fear to become a successful entrepreneur, building a company rooted in emotional health and inspiring others with her podcasts about business and self-care. She shares her healing journey, her non-negotiable practices that keep her body and mind in balance and how she continues overcoming fear daily to create a life beyond what she thought possible.


Listen to discover:


  • How Scout became an active participant in her own healing
  • The rituals and practices Scout uses each day to stay emotionally healthy
  • The power of taking “radical responsibility” for our emotions
  • The importance of not settling and how to find a framework for life that works with how you’re uniquely wired
  • Listening to your inner compass and finding safety in your emotions


Scout’s story is full of deep wisdom about how we actually grow and heal as humans. She talks about the power of acceptance, and how her life began to change when she accepted that challenges were part of being human and she took responsibility for her life and healing. 


As we go into a new year, I hope this episode inspires you to take radical responsibility for YOUR dreams and make this year more than you can imagine! 


“The real work is within you.” – Scout Sobel


“There is no such thing as a magic pill.” – Michelle Chalfant


“I think one of my biggest breakthroughs came from accepting and not resisting.” – Scout Sobel


“If you’re struggling with anything, I really believe that your healing is behind that resistance.” – Scout Sobel


“You have to walk through discomfort and challenging moments to get what you want in this lifetime.” – Scout Sobel


“Acceptance doesn’t mean you freaking like it.” – Michelle Chalfant


“If you are experiencing fear that is causing you to be paralyzed or remain stagnant in your life, I want you to ask yourself, ‘What future has fear already robbed you of?’” – Scout Sobel 





Scout Sobel Website 


Scout Sobel Instagram 


Okay Sis (Scout Sobel Podcast) 


The Emotional Entrepreneur (Scout Sobel Podcast) 


“The Emotional Entrepreneur” (Scout Sobel Book) 


The Adult Chair® Coaching Certification (Doors Close January 31!)





The Adult Chair® Website  


The Adult Chair® Membership


The Adult Chair® Workshop


The Adult Chair® Coaching Certification


TAC Circles®





Instagram: @michelle.chalfant

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