Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 289 – Conscious Parenting, Kid Triggers and More with Dayna Ciarfalia
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289 – Conscious Parenting, Kid Triggers and More with Dayna Ciarfalia

They always say parenting is the hardest job in the world. And while caring for little beings and chauffeuring them all around town can certainly be busy and overwhelming at times, the day-to-day tasks of parenting were not what I found most challenging.


Instead, it was what my kids revealed about me that was so hard! The way they knew exactly how to push my buttons and trigger me, the fears and anxieties that came out when they were born and the hopes and dreams I projected on them were the biggest mirror for who I was, even in the tiniest human form. 


But as you know, I believe triggers are a gift, so stepping into our Adult Chair as parents and consciously looking at parenting as part of our healing journey can be an amazing next step in our growth!


In this episode, I’m talking with parenting coach Dayna Ciarfalia about what conscious parenting is and how we can become more conscious as parents. We talk about what it means and what to do when our kids trigger us, our true role as parents and how we can build healthy, life-long relationships with our kids as we encourage them to become who they’re meant to become.


Listen to discover:


  • What conscious parenting is (and what it’s not)
  • The impact we can have on our children
  • Practical ways to consciously parent
  • How conscious parenting can help your relationship with your kids
  • How our children triggering us reveals our own wounding
  • The importance of taking care of our own needs as a parent


It’s so hard to let go as a parent. We want our kids to be safe, healthy and happy…and we often have our own ideas and values about who we want them to be in the world. But when we shift into a more conscious state, we can see the ways our kids help us grow and our role in guiding them to become the unique beings they are created to be. 


“As conscious parents, we don’t view our children as beings to be controlled or taught or raised, if you will. We see them as separate beings that we are here in relationship with to support them in becoming the person they are supposed to be – whatever that is.” – Dayna Ciarfalia


“How we model being a human in front of them becomes the blueprint for how they are going to be in the world.” – Dayna Ciarfalia


“It’s not you vs. me. It’s us vs. the problem.” – Dayna Ciarfalia


“As humans we like to blame other people for triggering us vs. ‘Wait, is this mine?’” – Michelle Chalfant 


“That overwhelm almost always comes from a lack of me acknowledging my needs.” – Dayna Ciarfalia


“We don’t know who our kids are here to become.” – Michelle Chalfant 





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