Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 286 – Feeling Alone on Our Healing Path with Karen Campion
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286 – Feeling Alone on Our Healing Path with Karen Campion


Starting a journey of healing or following a spiritual path in life can be one of the best things to ever happen to us. It totally transforms how we feel each day and gives us a sense of clarity and purpose in life.


Unfortunately, it can also change our relationships – and not always in the way we want.


I get messages all the time from listeners who have started working with The Adult Chair® or going to therapy who now feel disconnected from people they were once close to.


Sometimes it’s friends and family who don’t understand the change they’re seeing in them. Other times, it’s that the person who has changed can no longer relate to certain friends or even feels like they and their partner are no longer on the same page. These “spiritual growing pains” can be so disorienting and scary!


In today’s show, I’m chatting with my friend and fellow holistic therapist, Karen Campion, about what we can do when we feel alone on our healing path. Karen and I have been on similar healing journeys (I’m so thankful that she’s one person I’ve been on the same page with for years!), and we talk about how we’ve learned to trust our unique paths while also honoring the paths of others.


Listen to discover:


  • Why it’s ok to move on from some relationships
  • How to not fall into the ego as you walk down a path of self-growth
  • How to be in healthy relationships with your loved ones who aren’t on the same path as you
  • What to do if someone criticizes you for your spiritual path
  • What tuning into the body can tell you about the state of your relationships
  • How to share your path with someone you love


Often, it’s our ego that makes us feel disconnected from others because we begin to feel superior in the path we’re on. This episode is an incredible reminder that every relationship serves a purpose in our life and that we can still connect with others who have a different life path than we do. The important thing is that we stick to the path we’re called to, surrender the relationships that are no longer a match and trust that we and those we love are exactly where they’re supposed to be.


“There are people who sometimes aren’t going to match you anymore because you have outgrown them.” – Karen Campion 


“It’s about respecting your partner wherever they’re at.” – Karen Campion 


“Being on a spiritual path or healing path is something that is so beautiful but we want to really make sure and be mindful of when the ego gets engaged.” – Michelle Chalfant 


“Become really aware of what your loved ones mean and what their purpose might be on your life path.” – Michelle Chalfant


“If you want to get other people in their Adult Chair, you get in yours.” – Michelle Chalfant 


“Surrender…is that inner attitude of trust.” – Karen Campion





Karen Campion Website



Episode #117: The Power of Letting Go with Karen Campion



Episode #17: Finding Hope in the Face of Life’s Greatest Challenges



“The Surrender Experiment” by Michael A. Singer



“The Untethered Soul” by Michael A. Singer



30-Day Journaling Challenge – Sign Up Now (starts November 1)



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