Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 281 – How to Overcome Not Feeling Good Enough or Less Than
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281 – How to Overcome Not Feeling Good Enough or Less Than




Comparison is one of the ego’s favorite traps. When we fall into this trap, we make up all kinds of stories about others and turn a judgmental eye towards ourselves. With this comes feelings of inferiority, feeling less than and low self-worth. It’s no fun at all!


Inferiority feels so awful that most of us just want to run from it, silence it or numb it out…but this never works! Shoving our negative beliefs about ourselves into the subconscious only gives them more power. Instead, we have to look at them, work with them and transform them!


In this episode, which was inspired by questions from our listeners, I’m giving you five tools to not just quiet feelings of inferiority but to actually transform from feeling less than to feeling enough! 


Listen to discover:


  • Why we compare ourselves to others
  • Five tools to build self-worth and stop feeling inferior
  • How to radically accept yourself 
  • Parts work and affirmations to transform comparison


The process in this episode is so simple and easy to apply – it just takes intention and some energy from you to make this transformation in your life reality. And this is what we do from our Adult Chair…we bring consciousness into the traps of the ego and change our lives!

Remember: I think you’re so amazing, and I hope the tools in this episode help you love yourself and live from the place of worthiness that you deserve! 


“The ego can really chime in and compare us to others and make us feel less than.” – Michelle Chalfant


“Numbing [feelings of inferiority] out is a lovely temporary fix, but it does not work.”  – Michelle Chalfant


“You’ve become who you are today because of all your life experiences, because of the choices you’ve made.”  – Michelle Chalfant


“When you hear yourself say, ‘Yeah, but,’ I want you to know your ego’s engaged.”  – Michelle Chalfant


“Nothing magical can get you out of this comparison. The only thing that can get you out of this is you.”  – Michelle Chalfant


“Having a really healthy relationship with your inner parts — that’s a game changer.”  – Michelle Chalfant




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Instagram: @michelle.chalfant


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