Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 261 – How to Receive a Boundary from Your Adult Chair
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261 – How to Receive a Boundary from Your Adult Chair

We talk a lot about how to set boundaries in The Adult Chair®, but sometimes we forget that we are human and sometimes we cross others’ boundaries. The other side of mastering boundaries is learning how to humbly and gracefully receive a boundary when the tables are turned and we’re the ones being asked to shift our behavior or approach.


It’s very easy to perceive boundaries as criticism and go on the defensive, but receiving a boundary is an opportunity to understand someone better and deepen our relationships. When we show up with presence, pay attention to our triggers and respond with grace, we grow as a person and show up in a more intentional and loving way with the people around us.


In this episode, we’re looking at the other side of boundaries, and I’m walking you through simple steps for how to receive a boundary well and what not to do when approached with a boundary (plus, how to recover the conversation if you do find yourself getting defensive…it happens to all of us!). 


Listen to discover:’

  • Practical steps for receiving a boundary with grace 
  • Tips for recentering when triggered 
  • How to respond kindly and respectfully 
  • What not to do when someone sets a boundary with you 
  • How to spot (and get out of) an Adolescent reaction


If someone comes to you with a boundary, try to think of it as them sharing with you instead of drawing a line in the sand or putting up a wall. Sharing comes from a place of vulnerability and wanting connection, and it’s an honor when someone feels safe enough to share with us…even if it feels a little hard to hear sometimes.


It takes practice to receive a boundary with grace, but when you own your stuff, you will find you have healthier relationships all around.


“Give them that space to share whatever it is they need to share.” – Michelle Chalfant


“Get in your Adult and remind yourself, ‘It’s not about me.’” – Michelle Chalfant


“You want to make sure the person that’s sharing their boundary with you feels seen and heard.”  – Michelle Chalfant





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