Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 215 – From Hopelessness to Healing with Ruthie Lindsey
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215 – From Hopelessness to Healing with Ruthie Lindsey

As humans, we all want to avoid pain and suffering…but what if pain can be a gateway to our healing? What if experiencing sadness actually increases our ability to feel joy?


In this episode, I’m chatting with the incredible Ruthie Lindsey as she shares her journey through tragedy and chronic pain to hope and healing. After being nearly killed in a car accident in high school, Ruthie experienced chronic physical pain as a result of a spinal cord injury while also walking through the death of her father and other personal tragedies. It would have been easy to simply numb out to survive, but Ruthie made the conscious choice to seek goodness and beauty despite the pain, and in doing so, opened up a world of hope and healing. 


Listen to discover:


  • Ruthie’s journey from numbing her pain to learning to live fully in spite of pain
  • Why the mind/body connection is so important
  • The connection between physical healing and emotional healing
  • The importance of inner child work in unlearning destructive stories and beliefs
  • Ruthie’s journey of coming home to Self and waking up to consciousness and how you can go on this journey for yourself 


We all have a choice to either numb our pain or to live fully and lean into healing. As Ruthie shares her story, I know you will be inspired and enlightened on what it truly means to heal, and I hope she will be a mirror of love and hope to all who are on their own journeys of healing.


“When you numb the hard and painful things, you numb everything. You can’t pick and choose.” – Ruthie Lindsey


“I feel like for me, so much of my healing work has been this unlearning, has been this remembering, has been this unwinding of the stories that we learn from the culture and patriarchy and church and family telling us these things about ourselves and that who we are is what we do.” – Ruthie Lindsey


“You can’t [heal] for someone else. Only you can do that for you. But when we do that, we can go out and be mirrors of love, hope and healing and divinity that’s within everyone.” – Ruthie Lindsey


“We’re handed down these beliefs about who we are without discernment.” – Michelle Chalfant




Ruthie Lindsey Website


Ruthie Lindsey Book


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