Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 214 – Change Your Mind with Marisa Peer
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214 – Change Your Mind with Marisa Peer

Why do you do what you do?


That question is probably more difficult to answer than most of us think…not only because we often don’t know ourselves well, but also because the majority of our behaviors and actions come from programming in the unconscious mind. Sometimes, this programming happened when we were so young that we can’t even recall it; in fact, most of our beliefs form before the age of five! 


But the good news is that no matter our programming, we CAN change our minds, rewire our thoughts and beliefs, and as a result, transform the way we act and live. 


In this episode, I interview the brilliant Marisa Peer, a therapist, behavioral specialist, author and speaker who helps people completely transform their lives by changing their minds. The founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy, an innovative method rooted in hypnotism, Marisa helps clients uncover their unconscious beliefs and transform them at the source. 


Marisa is an expert on the inner workings of the mind, and she walks us through the process for coding in new healthy beliefs and breaking unhealthy patterns. She also shares really practical and simple ways we can begin to change our mind, even without therapy or hypnotism.


Listen to discover:


  • How the mind works and how limiting beliefs are formed, even without us knowing it’s happening
  • Why and how we can literally change our minds
  • The four-step process of shifting beliefs: investigating, interpreting, interrupting and installing new ones
  • The three root causes of depression and how to transform it
  • The power of our words and how to use language that transforms the mind (it needs to be practical, present and repeatable)
  • Why the phrase “I am enough” is the KEY to transforming just about anything in your life


This episode is so RICH with content that I can’t even begin to summarize it here…you just have to listen! Marisa also leaves us with some beautiful information about her international “I am enough” movement, so you can take what you learn and put it into action right away.


“If you unconsciously created it, you can consciously let go of it.” – Marisa Peer


“The mind doesn’t have a choice to act on the words you say, but you have a choice to say better words.” – Marisa Peer


“How you feel about anything comes down to the picture you make in your head and the words that you construct.” – Marisa Peer


“When you hurt a child or don’t meet their needs, they don’t stop loving you they stop loving themselves.”  – Marisa Peer


“The common denominator of all our issues stems from ‘I’m not enough.” – Marisa Peer





Marisa Peer Website (free resources)



Rapid Transformational Therapy (for therapists)



I Am Enough (course)



Marisa Peer Instagram



Marisa Peer YouTube



Marisa Peer Facebook



Marisa Peer Twitter



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