Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 205 – Stress and Your Enneagram Type with Ramona Reid
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205 – Stress and Your Enneagram Type with Ramona Reid

The world is experiencing a time of high stress and universal confusion like most of us have never experienced in our lifetimes. We are all walking through a collective trauma together. But just because an experience is common, it does not mean we all respond to it in the same way.


Each of us is wired uniquely, and every personality type experiences stress and anxiety differently. The Enneagram is such a powerful tool for understanding ourselves and our personalities, and it gives us incredible insights into how we are each processing the stress of COVID-19.


In today’s episode, I talk with my friend and holistic Enneagram coach, Ramona Reid, to discover the various ways each Enneagram type might be processing stress. From wanting to fix the situation or help others to feelings of isolation and fear, it’s so important to understand how you respond to stress so you can recognize it and get back into balance.


Listen to discover:


  • What stress looks like for each Enneagram type
  • How to cope and find balance based on your unique stress response
  • How to find your “peace point”
  • Tools for your type to help you manage stress and fear 


The Enneagram is not a box but rather a tool for self-discovery that reveals our strengths, weaknesses, fears and desires so that we can grow beyond our type. Understanding how you are responding to stress right now will give you more compassion for yourself and others as we all walk through a very different, yet shared global experience.


“This is the opportunity to see ourselves either show up and use our tools and be present and healthy or show up and manage fear in the ways we’ve learned through our coping mechanisms.” – Ramona Reid


“Now is not a time to take [the Enneagram] and try to fix ourselves…it’s more an opportunity to see what’s happening from fear.” – Ramona Reid



#51: Find Your Authentic Self at the Heart of Your Enneagram: https://theadultchair.com/podcasts/51-find-your-authentic-self-at-the-heart-of-your-enneagram/


#114: Deepening the Adult Chair Using the Wisdom of the Enneagram: https://theadultchair.com/podcasts/114-deepening-the-adult-chair-using-the-wisdom-of-the-enneagram-with-ramona-reid/


#176: Childhood Wounding in the Enneagram: https://theadultchair.com/podcasts/176-childhood-wounding-in-the-enneagram/





Ramona Reid Website



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The Adult Chair Workshop – Nashville



The Adult Chair Workshop – New York






Instagram: @michelle.chalfant


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