Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 204 – Natural Remedies for Anxiety and Overwhelm with Annie Boerner
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204 – Natural Remedies for Anxiety and Overwhelm with Annie Boerner

There is no doubt that it’s not an easy time for the nervous system. With the amount of collective and personal fear and stress in our world right now, our minds and bodies have to work extra hard to maintain a state of calm and balance. Fortunately, we’re not on our own! There are SO MANY amazing, simple tools that you can use to make a huge difference in how you feel on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.


In today’s episode, I’m chatting with my friend Annie Boerner, an integrative health practitioner who specializes in calming and balancing the whole person through the nervous system. With a background in neurological therapy, bodywork and other powerful techniques, Annie helps people overcome pain, chronic health problems, PTSD and other stress-related challenges naturally and holistically.


I’m so grateful to have Annie on the show today as she shares some of her favorite tools for natural relief of anxiety, overwhelm and stress. From essential oils to hands-on tools for keeping yourself relaxed and in balance, this is a super practical episode with ideas that you can begin using to feel better TODAY! 


You will discover:


  • How essential oils interact with the brain to provide nervous system and emotional support
  • The best oils for immune support, anxiety, depression and more
  • Body-based tools for calming the nervous system 
  • Stress-relieving practices and sensory resources such as brushing, weighted blankets, nature, music and meditation
  • Grounding techniques for getting in the present moment and calming your energy
  • The importance of fun and movement


Though we created this episode in the middle of a global pandemic, the reality is that life is often stressful and challenging, even when the world is not in crisis. The simple, practical and affordable tools Annie offers us really work and can be integrated into our daily routines for greater peace every day. And THAT is some good news worth celebrating!


“A dysregulated nervous system is at the root of all disease and dysfunction in the body.” – Annie Boerner




Annie Boerner Website


Annie Boerner Instagram


Annie Boerner Facebook


Oils That Annie Recommends

  • OnGuard
  • Lemongrass
  • Adaptiv
  • Wild Orange
  • Frankincense


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