As much as we hate to admit it, difficult times are part of life. Sometimes, they come in the form of trying seasons in our personal lives; other times, the whole world goes through challenges together, facing disasters like famine, tornadoes and disease.
But just like difficulty is part of human history, so is resilience. Each of us has the ability to not only cope with what life throws our way, but to become stronger and thrive as a result.
It was such a gift to interview Linda Graham, a marriage and family therapist who specializes in helping people cope with life’s challenges and develop a healthy sense of self through them. As I write these notes in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the world, I feel it is so important to explore this topic, and I know Linda’s perspective will be so encouraging to many.
In this episode, we’re talking all about resilience, including how it relates to our nervous systems, how we can find peace and balance in the middle of pain, how we can bounce back from trauma and how we can reverse the impact of stress in our lives. We are all called to cultivate this skill through various life experiences, and while it might not be the most fun lesson to learn, the beautiful thing is that practicing resilience cultivates a mindset that empowers us to cope with anything.
Listen to this episode to discover:
- How resilience develops and how to get unstuck from trauma
- The source of anxiety and depression and how they are connected to the nervous system
- How to live with realistic optimism, which means facing what’s happening and making wise decisions about what to do next
- The art of skillful distraction and how to cope with pain in healthy ways
- Teaching resilience to our kids
- Navigating grief and practicing gratitude and compassion to build resilience
- And SO much more!!
Linda also shares a number of practical body-based tools that can help us adjust our nervous systems, keep a clear mind and an open heart and face what life throws our way.
I know you will be encouraged by Linda’s reminder that you always have a choice, and you will find hope in the fact that nothing is permanent and we can bounce back stronger than ever.
“We go through disappointments and difficulties in our life. We’re called upon to face disaster. A resilience practice gives us tools and a mindset where we can cope with anything at all.” – Linda Graham
“The most important thing is to shift from focusing on the stressor to focusing on our own internal response because that is what we can do something about.” – Linda Graham
Linda Graham Website
Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience by Linda Graham
Resilience: Powerful Practices to Bounce Back from Disappointment, Difficulty and Even Disaster by Linda Graham
The New Adolescence by Christine Carter
The Coddling of the American Mind by Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff
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