Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Health
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

377 – Summer Series: Why and How To Feel Your Emotions

In my 25 years of private practice, the #1 issue I worked on with clients was feeling their emotions.    Whether someone was anxious, reactive and raging or numb to the world, the question they were all asking was, “What the heck do I do with these emotions?”   I’ve been there too. And it breaks my heart, because experiencing emotions is one of the gifts of being human.    But the good news is that all of us can reclaim this part of ourselves and learn to feel our emotions. And when we do, it...

376 – Summer Series: “I Feel Like a Fraud!” Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

You landed the dream gig, got the promotion, submitted your book for publishing, had an amazing first date.   So, why do you feel so insecure, unsure and even unworthy?   Hello, imposter syndrome!   Imposter syndrome, or feeling like a fraud, is something that everyone struggles with from time to time — yep, even those super successful people you look up to.   It’s that feeling that you don’t really deserve the recognition or opportunities you’ve earned or you worry you’re not really good enough for them. It often sounds like, “If they only knew…”   Imposter syndrome can...

375 – Summer Series: A Raw Conversation About Sobriety with Laura McKowen

Cheers. Salud. Skol.    Wherever you are in the world, it seems like alcohol punctuates every celebration.    But have we stopped to ask if alcohol is really good for us? Or have we paused to get curious about why we drink – and when it moves from genuine enjoyment to unhealthy numbing out?   Recently, I’ve noticed more people having conversations about sobriety, from giving up drinking entirely to swapping a few cocktails for mocktails, and I thought it was time we talked about alcohol through the lens of The Adult Chair®.   In this episode, I’m...

374 – Summer Series: Balancing Your Hormones for a Healthier Life with Candace Burch

There are so many different aspects of being an emotionally healthy adult. We’re complex, connected beings, and our bodies, our minds, our emotions, our spiritual lives…they all play a role in how we feel every day.   It all matters!   One of the areas we don’t talk about enough is our hormones. Hormones impact SO many of our bodily and mental functions, and we’ve been kept in the dark about them for too long! Everyone deserves to understand this part of themselves!   In this episode, I talk to hormone health educator Candace Burch to...

373 – Drama Addiction with Dr. Scott Lyons

You see their name pop up on your phone, and you immediately notice yourself feeling stressed. It’s that friend who always seems to be in crisis, who always calls to gossip or vent.   We all know that person…many of us ARE that person.    It’s called drama addiction, and there’s a part in all of us that is drawn towards chaos and stress.   Sometimes this shows up in big, dramatic ways, and other times, it’s subtler, like our need to always be busy, doom scroll through the news or argue with someone on social...

372 – Emotional Balance With Food and Fitness with Brian Keane

Trigger Warning: This episode discusses topics such as exercise, relationship with food and body image. Though the intent is to promote a conscious and healthy mindset around these topics, please use caution in listening if you have a history of an eating disorder or body image disorder.   Summer is here…and with it, thousands of messages about diets, weight loss and fitness.    There is so much pressure from society to look a certain way, and these messages can be so harmful to our mental and emotional health.   At the same time, movement and nourishment...

371 – 5 Ways To Navigate a Relationship That Feels Stuck

There’s someone in your life you love, but the relationship just isn’t working.    Despite your best efforts to communicate and try to work things out, nothing is changing. This person seems totally uninterested in listening to you or working on the relationship.   You’ve hit a wall, and the relationship feels stuck.   This can be so maddening, frustrating, disappointing and painful! You wouldn’t be trying to make it work if you didn’t care for this person, but you can’t make them change…and you’re hurting in the meantime.    I hear from listeners all the time who...

370 – End Your Ruminating Thoughts With Parts Work

“I’m such a horrible person.”   “I can’t believe I did that…I’m so stupid.”   “I’m not good enough.”   Do these types of thoughts sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone.   As humans, we can be so mean to ourselves. We make a mistake and beat ourselves up for hours. We look in the mirror and are met with a barrage of negative self-talk. Sometimes these thoughts come at us relentlessly, like a flood.   But these thoughts are not the truth about who we are. They come from an inner part or voice inside of us that...

369 – Your Needs Are Your Superpower with Mara Glatzel

As humans, we all have needs. From the time we’re babies, when we literally need someone to feed us and take care of us, to adults who need connection, safety and belonging, our wants and needs are part of our inner world and part of ourselves.   But somewhere along the way we start to feel ashamed of these needs, believing we’re “too much” or “weak” or too “needy.” But I believe being able to acknowledge and ask for what we need is actually a superpower!    My guest today, Mara Glatzel, is a...

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