Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Family
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

350 – “I Feel Like a Fraud!” Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

You landed the dream gig, got the promotion, submitted your book for publishing, had an amazing first date.   So, why do you feel so insecure, unsure and even unworthy?   Hello, imposter syndrome!   Imposter syndrome, or feeling like a fraud, is something that everyone struggles with from time to time — yep, even those super successful people you look up to.   It’s that feeling that you don’t really deserve the recognition or opportunities you’ve earned or you worry you’re not really good enough for them. It often sounds like, “If they only knew…”   Imposter syndrome can...

349 – Breaking Down Astrology with Rachel Lang

At the start of a new year, we all wonder what the year will hold for us. Even with the resolutions and intentions we set, there’s also that element of uncertainty around the things we can’t control. What will come our way? What will shift for us?   This goes beyond just us as individuals. Our planet also goes through shifts and transitions with the rhythms of nature and the universe – and on this show, I’m talking with astrologer Rachel Lang to learn more about what might be coming for all...

348 – Transform Through Journaling

Journaling is truly a self-discovery tool. It helps us to find who we really are – what we want, what we value and what we feel – underneath the false self.    In fact, “journal” and “journey” come from the same root word. To journal is like taking a journey into the self!   Journaling is one of my go-to practices for transformation. It’s so powerful for learning more about yourself, processing your emotions, getting things off your chest, finding clarity and getting unstuck in life. And it’s totally free to do! What’s not...

347 – Holiday Replay: How Self-Validation Will Change Your Life

In my 25 years of practicing as a therapist and holistic life coach, I found that there was one common root cause behind many of the issues my clients were facing: low self-worth. From codependency to difficulty with decisions or boundaries, not having a strong connection with the inner self was often the driving force behind these challenges.   Most of us have a tendency to look outside of ourselves for worth and validation, and building up a strong sense of who we are on the inside takes practice. One of the...

346 – Holiday Replay: How to Manifest Anything with Dr. Joe Vitale

Whether you love manifesting or you’re still a little skeptical, I want you to consider one thing: if the Law of Attraction really is a law of nature, like gravity, is it possible that it is working in your life whether you know it or not?   Is it possible that your unconscious beliefs are shaping your reality in ways you don’t realize – or want – simply because you haven’t chosen another way of thinking?   This was the reality of Dr. Joe Vitale’s life when he was homeless and living on the...

345 – The Nutrition and Mental Health Connection with Andrea Nakayama

It’s that time of year again…the holidays are here, and with them come all the delicious food and treats.    I’m ALL about treating ourselves and eating for enjoyment, but there can also come a point where it’s no longer fun. You probably know the feeling: the sugar crash, the sluggishness, the fatigue, maybe even body aches or indigestion or mild depression.   It turns out there’s a reason behind this: what we eat is deeply connected to our brain chemistry, our hormonal balance and our mental and emotional health. And it’s different for...

344 – Overcoming Resistance with Steven Pressfield

Resistance. Like gravity, it’s such a common part of the human experience that few of us stop to acknowledge it, but it’s a force that exists in all of our lives.    It’s in the fear that pops up when we go to move forward in life. It’s in the inner critic, the imposter syndrome and the voice telling us we can’t. It’s in the writer’s block, the snooze button, the procrastination and the distraction.    It’s the force that pushes against our creativity and our efforts – especially the big dreams that are...

343 – Transform Hardship, Unleash Your Superpower and Thrive with Amberly Lago

When we face challenges in life (and we all do), it can feel like the whole world is against us. Whether we blame ourselves or others for our problems, it’s natural to think of our struggles as weakness.   But what if the challenges in our lives are actually a doorway to our strengths? What if they give us the opportunity to build resilience and uncover our superpower – the unique way we’re meant to make a difference in the world?   Amberly Lago is living proof that our struggles can become our strengths....

342 – Holiday Replay: How to Work with and Tame the Inner Critic with Jenny Jansen

All of us have an inner critic – the part that reminds us of our limits and our failures and tries to “keep us in line.” It’s that voice inside your head that can be critical, judgmental and even mean. Though it’s just one part of who we are, the inner critic is one of those parts that can be especially painful and stressful to deal with.   Not only does the inner critic impact our sense of self-worth, but it also keeps us stuck and small in life (although it thinks it’s...

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