Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | The Book
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Get The Book Today

The how-to guide to living in your Adult Chair

Discover the revolutionary Adult Chair model that is taking the world by storm and helping millions of people all over the globe transform their lives from the inside out.

Based on simple psychology and grounded spirituality, The Adult Chair model is an integrated approach to discovering who you really are, how your experiences have shaped you and how you can transform your life using easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply tools. This entertaining and straightforward book is a quickstart guide to learning the foundations of The Adult Chair and how you can start using it to change your life TODAY!

Michelle has combined 25 years of study, her own life experience and dozens of certified methods (ranging from psychology to energy medicine) to create a rich yet simple three-step model of healing. In just a few hours of reading, you’ll walk away with a completely different perspective on the world and on yourself and begin a journey of inner work that will transform everything about your life.

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