Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 72: From the Archives — The New Year, Energy & Inclusion with Ramona Reid
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72: From the Archives — The New Year, Energy & Inclusion with Ramona Reid

Happy July everybody! We’re taking the month off with new shows but we have some good stuff to share on the podcast even while we’re on vacation! First up this week, let’s take a trip back to the new year.


On January 1, I sat down with our friend Ramona Reid on her show, Holistic Revolution Radio, to talk about the new year, energy, inclusion, and chakras. It’s a wide-ranging and informative conversation and — as always with Ramona — a lot of fun! Even though we were talking in the context of the New Year, it’s timeless information and I hope you’ll take some time on a warm afternoon this week to join us.




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