Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 186 – Staying Present During The Holidays
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186 – Staying Present During The Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving all! Today is the day that marks the official “mad dashing” around to get to the parties on time, buying the perfect gifts, lots of rushing here and there with lots of traffic and the common denominator…stress (and of course it’s not all bad…we have some fun too).


What I hear so much about from people is yes a lot about this stressful time of year but even more about how they lose themselves and don’t have time for themselves.


In today’s episode I give you a few ideas on how to stay connected to yourself and stay grounded despite the holiday craziness. I also give you a wonderful 5 minute meditation that you could (I am having a hard time not saying should here), 🙂 do daily to help you get through the next month. If you are even thinking to yourself, “I don’t have 5 minutes”! Then you need to do a 10 minute meditation! We all can build in 5 minutes a day for ourselves and our sanity. This meditation helps with just that.


I wish you all a beautiful and safe Thanksgiving!


Much love,

The Adult Chair

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