Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 185 – Overcoming Childhood Sexual Abuse with Dr. Gregory Williams
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185 – Overcoming Childhood Sexual Abuse with Dr. Gregory Williams

Childhood sexual abuse creeps into the lives of innocent children on a daily basis. As children, we are defenseless to our abusers. Dr. Gregory Williams was one of those children.


On today’s show, we have Dr. Gregory Williams sharing his story of childhood sexual abuse, how to heal from abuse, what the signs of childhood sexual abuse are and lastly forgiveness.


We also spoke about the importance of getting ourselves healthy after abuse and how physical illness can stem from unhealed emotional wounds, trauma and abuse.


This is an incredible show and it’s an honor to have Dr. Gregory on the show being so honest and open about his experience, and now, sharing with the world how others can heal from a childhood filled with abuse.





Dr. Gregory’s Website:


Dr. Gregory’s email:


Dr. Gregory’s phone: (832) 396-6525





If you know or believe a child is being sexually abused, please contact your local state Child Abuse Hotline or The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.4.A.CHILD (1.800.422.4453)


Do not hesitate. Being wrong is better than having child suffer in silence and dealing with the damage they will endure for the rest of their lives.


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