Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 103: It’s All About YOU!
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103: It’s All About YOU!

Go ahead and say it out loud right now: “It’s all about me!” My clients have a lot of trouble saying it, as if it gets stuck in their throats. But being able to say that it’s all about you isn’t selfish, it’s ownership! It’s your charge that you are taking responsibility for your own emotions, feelings, desires. You’re going to look after yourself first, and thus open the door to being able to be an even better, whole support for those closest to you! All that and more on this week’s show!


This week’s show is brought to you by Audible! Get a free audiobook to spice up your commute and learn and love through reading. Sign up for your free book at From there, search for my recommended book for the week: Edgar Cayce on Mastering Your Spiritual Growth by Kevin J. Todeschi!


Plus, listen all the way through to the end this week. Remember Pete Wright? Producer of this very show? Well, he has a new podcast and he’s released a trailer that I’ve included at the end of the show this week. It’s called “What’s that Smell: A sometimes-funny podcast about humans and their anxieties.” I know so many people that feel such shame about their own anxieties and Pete and his partner are doing a wonderful job sharing the things that cause them anxiety and modeling how we can all be better about laughing together as we own our own stuff! I’ve listened to the first few episodes and they range from off-the-wall to downright sensitive. Give it a shot! Find it in iTunes here, or their website at RashPixel.FM.




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