Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Inner Self
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

259 – Your Healthy Adult in the Enneagram with Ramona Reid

I know you guys love all things Enneagram (and I do too!), so I’m thrilled to bring back our resident Enneagram expert and dear friend of mine, Ramona Reid. Ramona, who is also an Adult Chair® Certified Coach, has always done a beautiful job weaving together The Adult Chair® with the Enneagram, helping us understand how our inner child and childhood wounding shapes our personality type and how our Adolescent fear manifests depending on our Enneagram type.   But the point of the Enneagram is not to put you in a box...

Dr Rhonda Freeman

258 – Healing the Brain after Narcissistic Abuse with Dr. Rhonda Freeman

We’ve talked a lot about narcissistic abuse and the emotional effects of it on this podcast, but we haven’t dug into how this experience affects the brain and how neuroscience and healing from narcissistic abuse go hand in hand…until today! In this episode, we’re diving deep into this very important topic with Dr. Rhonda Freeman, who is an expert on the brain, neuroplasticity and trauma and who brings a message of hope to anyone wondering how to heal.   Dr. Freeman is a neuropsychologist who works with patients with neurological conditions and...

257 – Unlearning Codependency with Darlene Lancer

As you know, codependency is one of my “things.” Fortunately, it’s less of a thing these days, but I understand firsthand what it’s like to spend years so focused on others that we lose our sense of self. That’s part of why we talk about this so much on the podcast — so many people suffer for years not knowing about codependency, and I’m passionate about helping you get free...

256 – Understanding Enmeshment with Dr. Ken Adams

Everyone wants a caring, loving family, right? But is it possible for close to become too close?   “Enmeshment” is a term that’s been gaining more traction recently, and it describes family systems that are intertwined in unhealthy ways. These families appear very loving from the outside, but that love is often based on guilt and obligation...

255 – 5 Steps to Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward with Your Life

Feeling stuck in life is one of the worst feelings. It can feel helpless, hopeless and confining — like no matter what we do, nothing is going to change and we have no options.    But this is a story from the ego! From our Adult, we know we ALWAYS have choices. That doesn’t always mean we love every option or we get the exact outcome we want, but we are never stuck. We can always make the next best choice.   Many of our listeners have written in asking about how to get...

252 – Find Your Adult and Change Your Relationships

Wow — I was blown away by the response to last week’s episode (#251) with my one and only, Graham Chalfant. It seems like so many could relate to our relationship dynamics and the learning and work we’ve done over the years...

251 – How Feeling Your Emotions Can Change Your Relationship with Graham Chalfant

Everyone wants connection — we’re hardwired for it as humans! But we can only connect as deeply with others as we’ve connected with ourselves. Strong relationships start by going within, feeling our emotions and being willing to open up and share with our partners.    On this week’s podcast, I have a very, very special guest...

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