Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Inner Self
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

304 – Trauma Healing with Ilene Smith

When we think of trauma, many of us think of war, a car accident or a major, life-altering event. Though all of these events are certainly traumatic, they are only one type of trauma – what we often call “big T” trauma.   But there are many other forms of subtler trauma, including small events that happen over and over again (especially in childhood), that overwhelm our nervous systems and shape the way we move through the world. I would argue that most humans have had some sort of trauma in their...

303 – The Anxiety Survival Guide with The Anxiety Sisters

Do you know what anxiety really feels like? I’m not talking about the emotions of fear or stress, but what it feels like in your body.   So many of us live with anxiety and don’t even know it because it’s SO physical. It’s even easy to mistake it for physical diseases, like heart issues or digestive issues.   That was the case for Abbe Greenberg and Maggie Sarachek, two soul sisters who are both mental health professionals and the founders of Anxiety Sisters, a supportive community for those living with anxiety. Though they...

302 – Gaslighting 101

You love them, and you think they love you…so why does it feel like you’re going crazy so often in your relationship?    You leave conversations feeling confused, questioning your reality and maybe even questioning your own sanity.   You might be in a relationship with a gaslighter.   Gaslighting is a term that is thrown around frequently, but it is far more than someone questioning us or challenging us. Gaslighting is intentional, manipulative and designed to whittle away someone’s self-confidence. In short, it’s abuse.   Though gaslighting often happens in romantic relationships with narcissists, it can also...

300 – How to Be a Boundary Boss with Terri Cole

Are you convinced you’re just bad at boundaries? Do you worry this is a trait that you were born without and you’re just destined to feel taken advantage of and resentful for the rest of your life?   The truth is that no one is born good at boundaries! They’re not something you have or don’t have; they’re a skill you develop. That’s right – you CAN become a boundary boss!   My guest today, Terri Cole, is a boundary boss herself and a licensed psychotherapist who helps people from all walks of life...

299 – Healing from Heartbreak and Finding Self-Love with Gabrielle Stone

A month-long trip to Europe might sound like a dream, but for Gabrielle Stone, it was one more curveball during one of the hardest years of her life.   After catching her husband cheating on her, getting divorced, falling head over heels for a new man and planning a dream trip to Europe with him, days before they were scheduled to leave, he told her he would be going on his own.   With a plane ticket in her name and a choice to stay home or leap from the world of “serial monogamy”...

298 – How to Work with and Tame the Inner Critic with Jenny Jansen

All of us have an inner critic – the part that reminds us of our limits, our failures and tries to “keep us in line.” It’s that voice inside your head that can be critical, judgmental and even mean. Though it’s just one part of who we are, the inner critic is one of those parts that can be especially painful and stressful to deal with.   Not only does the inner critic impact our sense of self-worth, but it also keeps us stuck and small in life (although it thinks it’s keeping...

297 – Overcoming Fear with Scout Sobel

When we think about the lives we want to live – the things we want to do and experience and the big dreams we have – the ego will give us a thousand reasons “why not.”   Some of these reasons might be real traumas or health issues we have to overcome; others are figments of the ego’s imagination…fear and discomfort that scream at us to stay in the safe place.   But one thing is certain: anyone who has created more for themselves has overcome struggles and fears to build the life of...

296 – How Self-Validation Will Change Your Life

In my 25 years of practicing as a therapist and holistic life coach, I found that there was one common root cause behind many of the issues my clients were facing: low self-worth. From codependency to difficulty with decisions or boundaries, not having a strong connection with the inner self was often the driving force behind these challenges.   Most of us have a tendency to look outside of ourselves for worth and validation, and building up a strong sense of who we are on the inside takes practice. One of the...

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