Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 32: Returning to Your Seat of Power
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32: Returning to Your Seat of Power

Some days, it just feels like the world is conspiring against you. These are the days that shake our confidence, our sense of peace, our ability to relate to others — they’re the worst! The trick to living in The Adult Chair is not developing some magical skill to erase these days from your life. It’s developing the skill to recognize when you’ve been knocked out of The Adult Chair, and to move yourself back into it to rediscover your Seat of Power! Today on the show, I’m sharing my own Day of Days and some key strategies I use to find my way back to my Adult Chair.


And as a special bonus, listen all the way to the end for a conversation with Nancy, a client who has so graciously allowed me to record her work in moving back into her own seat of Power. If you’re interested in the real, practical work that goes into living into the Adult Chair, you can’t get any more real than this!




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