Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Stress Release
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

A Guided Meditation and Exercise for Releasing Shame

Unfortunately, we all experience shame at some point in our lives, some of us more than others. In this guided meditation exercise, you will be guided through a process from the Adult Chair model that releases and transforms shame....

A 10-Minute Meditation to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

This 10-minute meditation will help you relieve stress and anxiety all year round. With a daily practice, you’ll begin to find great inner strength from meditation — I hope you’ll use this to begin to discover the emotional freedom that is possible!...

Clear Anxiety, Stress and Worry

This is a meditation to release anxiety, stress and worry. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax and become fully present. ...

Healthy Boundaries Cheat Sheet
Take the guesswork out of setting boundaries and start creating the balanced, fulfilling life you deserve!
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