Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | 208 – Triumph Over Abuse: An Interview With Survivors
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208 – Triumph Over Abuse: An Interview With Survivors

Studies show that since the start of the COVID-19 quarantine, domestic abuse is up by 30 to 40 percent worldwide. Abusers are using the global crisis to increase their sense of power and control, and women are trapped at home with abusive partners, making them more vulnerable to frequent abuse. This is something that enrages me and that I’m so passionate about shedding light on.  


Domestic abuse isn’t just a quarantine issue. Far too many women (and men) suffer abuse from their partners daily, and I felt compelled to do something to bring awareness to this topic. I reached out to our Adult Chair community and asked if any survivors would be willing to share their stories of abuse and triumph and in this episode, I am interviewing two incredibly brave and strong women who are sharing how they escaped and rebuilt their lives after abuse.


In this episode, the women share:


  • Their stories of abuse and the insidious pattern of how their abusers slowly whittled down their self-esteem
  • How verbal abuse can turn into physical abuse
  • Their turning point, when they realized it was time to leave
  • How they left, even without a place to go (it IS possible, and there is help for you!)
  • The triumph and increased sense of self after they escaped
  • Advice for others currently trapped in abusive relationships


This episode is powerful, raw and real, and I’m incredibly grateful to these women for sharing their very important stories.


The thing about abuse is that it puts you in a fog where all your energy is going towards survival. Each woman I interviewed shared about her “turning point” moment where she moved from being on the defense into a place of being on the offense, shifting from just trying to survive to consciously figuring out how to get out. 


I can’t imagine being quarantined with an abuser, but I pray this will be a turning point for many. I hope this episode shows you you’re not alone and gives you the hope and encouragement you need to know that you CAN leave and you can find a beautiful, empowered, triumphant life after abuse.


If you are in danger, please tell someone. 


The Adult Chair community (closed Facebook group linked below) is always here for emotional support.


If you need help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline:

1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Deaf or hard of hearing, use TTY 1-800-787-3224

If unable to speak, text LOVEIS to 22522


If you are in an emergency situation, please call 911.


“I stopped at a payphone at a convenience store a block away from the police station. I called the police, it’s almost midnight, and I told them ‘I can’t go home.’” – Kathleen, domestic abuse survivor


“I didn’t have anything, but I had the determination to get out of it.” – Lea, domestic abuse survivor


“I would look in the mirror, and being a faith-based person, I would say to myself ‘God did not have you be born for this.’” – Kathleen


“There are others out there not only that have walked in those shoes, but are willing to help you reach those resources.” – Lea


“Pay attention to how your partner makes you feel. If it feels bad, pay attention…if someone’s making you feel less than or talking down to you, it’s not ok.” – Michelle Chalfant





National Domestic Violence Hotline 


A Guided Meditation on Worthiness


Episode #139 Cultivate Self-Worth


The Adult Chair Private Facebook Group (safe place to connect, get emotional support and share your story)


The Adult Chair




Instagram: @michelle.chalfant


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