Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Inner Self
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

65: How To Connect With Your Inner Child

Have you ever found yourself listening to us talking about connecting to our inner child, and wondered, “right, I get it, but how?” We’re going to help you today! The hardest part about doing this inner child work on your own is getting past the awkward feeling, the self-judgment that you’re not doing it right. It will likely feel strange to start, but once you get into the practice, you’ll feel right at home with the practical visualization of actually connecting with your inner child, and get to the peace,...

61: Building Your Meditation Practice

If you’re a regular listener, you know how much I love meditation. While most of us don’t actually have a regular meditation practice, that doesn’t mean a regular practice isn’t something to aspire to. This week on the show, we talk plainly about why meditation can be such an important role in your emotional and physiological health. We have a number of recommendations for apps that can help you get started, suggestions for treating yourself well as you begin to integrate meditation into your life each day, and of course,...

60: Breaking Patterns

Your life is a revolving door. You date the same people. You report to the same bosses. Over and over again, in spite of the effort, you’re making to change your life, you find that you’re stuck in the patterns that have defined you and now you want to get out.   This week on the show, we’re talking about those patterns, and how you can take steps to own them, control them, and break them in favor of a new and more empowered YOU. First, you have to learn where they...

58: Sad, Lonely and Empty

We cover our feelings with numbing agents. Food. Alcohol. Work. The drive of our adolescent chair tells us that if we only had something to fill these holes in our lives, we’d be better, so we eat more, drink more, work more. Maybe we get married or have a child, always expecting that this next great thing will heal us. But the holes keep growing, and as soon as we stop for bit, stop covering up, we feel the sadness, loneliness, emptiness that fills us.   Today’s conversation comes thanks to the...

56: What do I do with my Feelings and Emotions?

As humans, we feel things deeply. Many of us cope with those feelings — particularly the negative ones — with some sort of numbing agent like food, or booze, or anything to minimize the impact of those feelings in our daily lives. But what do we do with those feelings and emotions get stuck? What do we do when we start to get baked in that shape of grief? This week on the show we’re talking all about the practice of moving with and through our emotions, and share the...

57: Cataloging the Results of our Childhood Programming with Lisa Romano

The baggage we bring with us to adulthood can be stunningly resilient. Relationships with our family, friends, and mentors have a staying power far beyond our conscious memories. Lisa A. Romano is a Certified Life Coach who specializes in mentoring adult children of alcoholics who are seeking to move beyond their painful pasts. She is also a bestselling author, radio show host, and speaker. Her latest book “Codependent Now What — It’s not you, it’s your programming” is available now, all of which makes her the perfect guest to join...

55: What’s Life Like in the Adult Chair?

The journey of The Adult Chair is not one of a destination, but rather an understanding. This week on the show, we talk about the confusion that can come to those who expect to live in their adult all the time, the frustration that comes with you feel like you finally understand what it feels like to sit in your Adult Chair, only to experience being snapped back into your Adolescent Chair thanks to your environment. Here’s the trick: it’s impossible to live in your Adult Chair all the time,...

54: Narcissism, Codependence, and the Self-Love Deficit with Ross Rosenberg

Today on the show, Ross Rosenberg joins us to talk about narcissism and codependence. The concepts are tied together, says Ross, and he spends much of his work helping others understand this spectrum through his concept of “self-love deficit disorder.” He joins us to share the roots of narcissism, how narcissists present in relationships, and even delves into tools for protecting ourselves when we are engaging with pathological narcissists in our lives.   Ross Rosenberg, is a counselor, trainer, and author of the best-selling book, The Human Magnet Syndrome. He’s also a...

51: Find Your Authentic Self at the Heart of Your Enneagram

The Enneagram provides us a method for understanding our own personality in terms of our relationship with the world and our true selves. This week on the show, I sit down with our friend Ramona Reid of Nashville Center for Alternative Therapy for an introduction to the Enneagram and the benefits that come with understanding how the Enneagram can work for you. Ramona is a skilled intuitive Enneagram coach and offers us truly inspirational insights today!   To learn more about the Enneagram, make sure to click through the links below, and...

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