Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Inner Self
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

119: The Only Way Out Is In

“How do I find my way out?”   What are you in? That doesn’t matter! If you’re in a situation that is painful, scaring you, causing you discomfort, no matter of external advice is going to help you get yourself out of it. To dig out, you have to go inside, to find the parts of you that you don’t understand, that keep you locked into a cycle of pain, that prevent you from finding clarity and freeing yourself from the ego of your Adolescent Chair!   I’ve had so many people come...

117: The Power of Letting Go with Karen Campion

We’re back! I’m thrilled to be back to the podcast after our summer break, a break that’s been filled with much emotion for me personally. I share that experience with my friend Karen Campion on the show this week as we talk about the true power of letting go to move forward. Karen is wonderful and I’m sure her insights will resonate with you, just as they do with me!     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Karen's Website   Audible This week’s show is brought to you by Audible! Get a free audiobook to spice up your...

116: Learn to Live Authentically with guest Sandra Rojo

How do I live authentically?   If you find yourself asking that question, you’re not alone. I hear this from clients practically daily, each feeling a connection with the concept, knowing they’re disconnected from their true, authentic selves, but at the same time struggling to move into that place of living their own lives authentically. To help us answer this question and better understand the practice of living authentically, Sandra Rojo is with us to share her expertise. Sandra is the founder of Journey to Authentic living and her practice is dedicated...

115: Finding Peace within Pain with Rea Wright

Pain can feel heavy, like a dark cloud that won’t go away. We often times don’t realize that we are carrying our pain with us from the past, in hopes that something or someone will make it magically go away. Today, Rea Wright and I offer 5 ideas for relieving the darkness of pain and living a lighter more peaceful life.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Audible This week’s show is brought to you by Audible! Get a free audiobook to spice up your commute and learn and love through reading. Sign up for your...

114: Deepening the Adult Chair using the wisdom of the Enneagram with Ramona Reid

The Enneagram is a personality typing system that helps us to identify more clearly who we are, and is an exciting tool that is gaining in popularity all over the world. Today on the show Ramona Reid blends the wisdom of the Enneagram into the Adult Chair. Ramona shared with us how she experiences the Child, Adolescent, and Adult through the lens of the Enneagram and the commonalities of the two models and how they enrich each other. This was an enlightening episode that will surely take you deeper into...

112: Healing Shame

It’s a little bit of a heavy subject today, but it’s one we have to talk about: Healing our Shame. It’s a subject that crosses my office practically daily in insidious and subversive ways. Shame contaminates our work and our relationships and creates a cycle of binary, either/or thinking. But we can take back our power in our relationship with shame if we work to understand it, relate to it, and use the tools we have that are built into The Adult Chair! Get ready everybody… we’re going to move...

113: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

This week on the show I have a guest to talk to us about one of the most misunderstood and over-used labels I’ve run across: borderline personality disorder. Dr. Robin Arthur is a fantastic and knowledgeable expert who has been working with BPD individuals for years and has managed to offer us the tools we need not only to understand it, but to differentiate it from other personality disorders that are often confused. She’s got tips to share, examples to demonstrate her points and a terrific set of recommendations for...

109: Breaking Negative Patterns & Programs

The only way you’re going to heal is to own your life. That’s the overriding message of the show today and it comes thanks to the story of a fabulous client we’ll call “Carolyn.” She’s graciously offered her story for this week’s show as a demonstration of owning your own stuff, and making great strides in breaking the damaging patterns and programs that play over and over in our lives. Thanks to her work with the Chairs, she’s found grounding and hope in moving forward through relationship addiction and more!     LINKS...

108: Stories & Assumptions

We do everything we can to keep ourselves safe and loved in the world. To do this, we look to the past and gather up stories and then based on those stories we project into the future based on assumptions. Living like this creates stress and keeps us out of the present moment and stuck in the Adolescent Chair!   When we learn to become “story busters” and live from a place of fact and truth, we find ourselves seated squarely in the moment and in the Adult Chair.   In this episode, I...

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