Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Health
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The Michelle Chalfant Show Life from the Adult Chair

105: Essential Oils with Annie Waugh

Annie Waugh is an integrative therapist and dear friend and she’s joining me on the show today to talk about an area of particular expertise: Essential Oils! I love oils and cherish everything Annie has taught me — and I can’t wait for her to share some of these great lessons with you all today. We tackle depression and grief and hormone balance and so much more! So grab your diffuser and settle in for some terrific and practical instruction on integrating essential oils into your healing journey!     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Audible...

104: Shannon Thomas talks Narcissism, Gaslighting, and Healing from Hidden Abuse

Shannon Thomas sits down in the adult chair with me today to talk about narcissism, gaslighting, and other forms of abuse and emotional trauma that can plague our relationships. This is a wide-ranging interview thanks to YOU! So many of the questions Shannon takes on this week come from your responses in our Facebook private group — far more than we could cover in one sitting! So, consider this a start, and know that I’ll have Shannon back soon to keep this conversation moving.     LINKS & RESOURCES:   Audible This week’s show is...

103: It’s All About YOU!

Go ahead and say it out loud right now: “It’s all about me!” My clients have a lot of trouble saying it, as if it gets stuck in their throats. But being able to say that it’s all about you isn’t selfish, it’s ownership! It’s your charge that you are taking responsibility for your own emotions, feelings, desires. You’re going to look after yourself first, and thus open the door to being able to be an even better, whole support for those closest to you! All that and more on...

101: Soothing Cannot be Outsourced

This week on the show I’m thrilled to welcome one of my precious clients and author of one of my very favorite quotes on healing, “soothing cannot be outsourced.” Susan introduces us to her journey of discovery in the Adult Chair which encompasses so many of the elements of struggle that so many face: loss of family, grief, reconciliation, all milestones on a path to discovery and love of self. Thank you so much to Susan for her willingness to join me for this conversation and sharing her own journey!     LINKS...

99: Vulnerability

Most of us grew up thinking that vulnerability equals weakness. Let’s get this straight right off the top: that is absolutely not true. This week on the podcast we’re going to pull that misconception apart and share some examples of vulnerability that you can use to frame how you approach becoming vulnerable as an act of courage, an act of embracing risk, and most importantly, an act of love!     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult Chair Membership     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook:   The Adult Chair Facebook Group:   YouTube: ...

98: Transforming Triggers

Trouble staying in your Adult Chair when you’re triggered? Me too! This week, I have a story all about my own triggering experience and I want to use it to demonstrate how to move through the chairs and release the power and energy that binds you in the trigger!     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult Chair Membership     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook:   The Adult Chair Facebook Group:   YouTube: ...

97: DriveTime Download: Healing Trauma

Trauma comes in many shapes and sizes. From single events to long-running experiences that take away our sense of safety and security. Even if it doesn’t involve physical harm, it can lead toward isolation, depression, severe anxiety, and overwhelm. This week on the show, Michelle is back with a DriveTime Download inspired by the conversation on The Adult Chair private Facebook group to reflect on the nature of trauma and steps we can take to move forward in our Adult Chair!     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult Chair Membership     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook:...

96: DriveTime Download: Clearing Anxiety!

Leaving work and feeling inspired — I have a new Drivetime Download for you! This week, I want to talk all about clearing anxiety. It’s a massive trigger for so many of us this time of year, coming through my clients and group members all struggling to numb out, to escape the experience of anxiety. This week I want to help you navigate the rough waters of anxiety leading to significant, long-term change in your life. It’s time to get off the treadmill of temporary soothing of pain, so hop...

93: Drivetime Download: Grief

Michelle is in the car again, this time answering some community questions on how to handle grief, particularly during the holidays. What do you from the Adult Chair when you need someone to show up for you, and support you in your time of grief? What about from the other perspective? How do you show up for someone else experiencing grief or loss this holiday season? All that and more in our last episode before the new year!     MORE ADULT CHAIR:   The Adult Chair Website   The Adult Chair Membership     STAY CONNECTED:   Instagram: @michelle.chalfant   Facebook:   The Adult Chair...

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