Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Upcoming Events
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Are you ready to discover what it means to love yourself and become so much more than you can ever imagine? Then come join us at our next event, where you’ll learn the tips and tools it takes to get you there! These experiential workshops and intensives will take you deeper into yourself and give you a roadmap to transform your life!

The Adult Chair Live – Coming Soon!

Stay connected and be the first to know about Michelle’s upcoming live events in 2024 and 2025! If you’re interested in attending, simply fill out the form below to stay informed. You’ll receive all the latest updates and event details as soon as they’re available.

We can’t wait to see you there!


Prerequisite: The Adult Workshop

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FREE Masterclass

Pre-Order The Adult Chair book today and receive a FREE live online masterclass with Michelle Chalfant!!

Don't miss out! Pre-order your book now and claim your spot.

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Your inner child is waiting to be nurtured. Sign up today!