Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Costa Rica
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This Week Will Change Your Life!

Pack your bags for beautiful Costa Rica and be prepared to return transformed! During this 5-day retreat, we will go deep into The Adult Chair model, giving you the chance to discover and transform brand new parts of yourself. There will be yoga and meditation, teachings, group and one-on-one work and SO much more! Get ready to break negative patterns, experience true freedom and come home a more authentic, happy and whole person — for years to come.


Registration for this event is not yet open, but please fill out the form below to hold your spot! Once the event is opened, you will be notified first with a courtesy 48-hour hold!

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Update: All available spots are currently on hold. However, if a hold falls through once the event is open, we will work our way down the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to fill out the form to get on the waitlist!

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