Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Scott MacDonald
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Certified Adult Chair® Coach




Ft Lauderdale, FL

Scott MacDonald

Certified Adult Chair® Coach | Ft Lauderdale, FL

Hi, I'm Scott Macdonald, and I am the Certified Adult Chair® Coach behind The Ella Connection, I work with all types of individuals who are looking to get more out of life. When I first came across The Adult Chair® model, I felt like I was doing all the right things in life, checking all the boxes to be happy on paper at least. Unfortunately, inside I was not feeling that way at all, I was feeling stuck, disconnected from others and I was looking for all the answers outside myself. With the help of The Adult Chair® Model, the podcast, coaching and some hard work on my own, I reconnected with myself, become more aligned with what I truly wanted in life and reconnected with my daughters and became more empowered!  

As a Certified Adult Chair® Coach I simply want to help others help themselves by using The Adult Chair®model, one-on one coaching, reflecting and love, just like I did!   I am excited to help you help yourself live a more positive, optimistic, and fulfilled life.

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