Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Sandi Luke
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Certified Adult Chair® Master Coach

Certified Adult Chair® Coach

Soul Roads, Certified Instructor




Lodi, CA

Sandi Luke

Certified Adult Chair® Master Coach | Lodi, CA

Hi, I’m Sandi. I empower women who find themselves feeling stuck, struggling or lost, to find their way back to the truth and beauty of who they are and the life they’re capable of creating when they live from their “adult chair”. Sister, life can be hard. Relationships can be hard. But when you rediscover your true self, learn what to hold on to and what to let go of, toss out the old rule book, update your inner map, and build a new tool box...everything changes. Maybe you’re in a hard season right now feeling stuck, hurting, and not sure how to climb out? I get it. I’d lost myself inside of grief, people pleasing, family addiction and a crumbling marriage. The Adult Chair® helped me find my way out. Since 2015, I’ve coached a sisterhood of women from around the world through life-changing retreats, workshops, and virtual courses – offering them a safe place to heal their hurts, navigate hard seasons, rediscover who they are and gain the tools they need to restore back to their beautiful authentic selves and a life that feels good. As a Master Coach, I can help you do the same. You will rediscover your authentic self, reclaim your worth and reconnect to the personal power needed to get unstuck and step into your life and relationships with a newfound freedom, clarity and confidence. Sister, whether you work with me 1 on 1, join the Soul Chicks community of women, or attend a live retreat - I want you to know that the whole, healthy, restored you is waiting. Let’s go get her!

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