Michelle Chalfant | The Adult Chair | Rakes Khullar
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Certified Adult Chair® Master Coach

Certified Adult Chair® Coach

BA(hons) in performing arts

PGCE in performing arts, foundation in drama therapy






London, England

Rakes Khullar

Certified Adult Chair® Master Coach | London, England

Rakes is a teacher, speaker, performing artist and Certified Adult Chair® coach. She is an empowering personality, who helps others through groundbreaking tools and techniques to step into their power, speak their truth, and live the life they desire. She has spent many years of her life soul searching, questioning her own life story and understanding the deep impressions it had made on the person she became. Through this work of her own, Rakes helps each of her clients connect to themselves on deeper levels, where they can also examine their story, understand and accept more about themselves, to experience more balance, harmony and freedom.  Rakes has an inspiring spiritual background that allows her to blend practices of meditation and mindfulness in assisting her clients to be more authentically present in their lives. Through empathy, holding space, and working creatively, she helps her clients through emotional blockages, trauma, stress responses, ineffective behavioural patterns, low self worth and negative self talk. Her work on personal growth will help you let go of what no longer serves you.  Whatever you need help with, Rakes can hold a safe and confidential space for you to get there. 

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